Caution Alert!

It has been brought to our notice that a few shops above Loreto Convent School, Darjeeling have been selling “unusual sweets in different flavours” to school children. These sachets or packets of powdered juice apparently come in different flavours and are accessible to school children particularly in these shops. Concerned parent of one of the students who had been consuming the sachet powder, on close inspection, discovered that the product was “not recommended for children”. Despite a clear label with warning information on the packet itself, it seems that the retailers and shopkeepers have been distributing and selling this hazardous product to consumers, particularly to children without any warnings.

Could it be because of the small fonts in which the warning/label have been written – hard for the retailers and shopkeepers to read and abide by or is it a case of blatant disregard for the safety of children?

We request teachers, parents and children to be more vigilant of such products including the shopkeepers and retailers. Anyone coming across such sachet juice packets in any shops, please consciously inform the shopkeepers to not sell such products to children. Loreto Convent Teachers may also kindly intervene as this incident was reported by the parent of a child studying at Loreto Convent.

The safety of our children lies in us being aware and proactive. Let us do our bit and protect our younger generation.

SEE ALSO:  Update of Meeting between Binay Tamang, Chairman, GTA, Anit Thapa, Vice-Chairman, GTA, & Mamata Banerjee, CM

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