Rukmani, A Living Martyr of Gorkhaland.

During the unprovoked firing by the CRPF stationed at the Thana Dara crossing into the oncoming peaceful procession several people dropped dead on the spot. Young Rukmani Chettri was hit by bullet shrapnels that pierced the side of her face and entered into her neck area. She fell bleeding onto the ground. In a matter of a few minutes, the dead were strewn on the street. There was panic amongst the agitators and blood was splashed everywhere on the road. Someone found her laying unconscious, and took her, along with others, dead or wounded, to the sadar hospital.

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Dazzling Darjeeling

ICONIC: The Legendary Mount Hermon School Completes 125 Years

“It was the best of times; It was the worst of times” – Charles Dickens, A tale of two cities. There are emotions, events and memories for each of us, of our times, spent at Mount Hermon that fall into either of the categories mentioned above. Nonetheless, there are defining characteristics of a Hermonite that you might identify us by.

Harish Mukhia – A visionary

Harish Mukhia was a trailblazer, who revolutionized the Darjeeling Tea Industry, and continued to serve our region and people till his last breath. A humble grounded man, who helped all those who sought his help, and considered his wife Mani as the main inspiration behind his success This is his story.