Articles by Sandip C Jain

Gyalo Thondup And His Place In Modern Tibetan History

Any book on Kalimpong which intends to document the past and present of this town would be shorn of its credibility if it does not tell the story of Gyalo Thondup, the elder brother of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and arguably the most colourful personality in Tibetan politics in the second half of the 20th century.


The Hills of Darjeeling have traditionally always has had its 4Ts – tea, tourism, timber & teaching to sustain itself economically. The lay of the land and the lack of natural minerals never allowed us to be a manufacturing or trading hub and through the ages the 4Ts have been the main stay of our economy. The last of the 4Ts, though definitely not the least T, has been the Teaching industry.

Pandora’s Box

As per Greek mythology, when Prometheus stole fire from Heaven and brought it to the mortal world, Zesus, the King of Gods angered by this act, decided, in vengeance, to create Pandora, the first mortal female, and presented her as a wife to Epimetheus, who was the brother of Prometheus. The Gods presented her with a box and instructed her never to open it but unable to contain her curiosity, she opened up the forbidden box, unleashing sickness, death and many other evil effects, which the box contained. The Greeks believe that her stupidity is the root cause of all worldly evils. This is the story of the Pandora’s box.

Kanchi Ama ko Chora

How often have we heard the term Kanchi Ama ko Chora being used in reference to the treatment that the Hills of Darjeeling and Kalimpong gets from the State and Center Governments. Kanchi Ama ko Chora is a term which in English means “Step motherly treatment”.

EARTHQUAKES – Are  we prepared ????

Kalimpong sits comfortably on the Himalayan Belt, one of the most earthquake prone areas in the world. As there hasn’t been a major earthquake exceeding M8 in the last fifty years, the town has grown and expanded, seemingly oblivious to the dangers lurking underneath the surface. How many buildings have been built without proper procedures against earthquakes, how many people furnish their houses according to taste rather than safety, and how have you planned for the worst possible scenario?

The Teesta Valley Branch of the DHR

This Toy Train, a wonder of engineering, was set up mainly to cater to the then blooming Tibet trade through Jelep-la for which Kalimpong was the most important entrepot. One can say that the existence of The Teesta Valley Branch of the DHR coincided with the golden period of Kalimpong’s past.

Kalimpong and the Silk Route

Kalimpong, a small non-descript town of just a few thousand inhabitants, because it was in the right place at the right time,  was catapulted to world fame and riches in the early and mid 1900s, in the process becoming one of the most important and famous town of its size, in British India.