Health Worker

Time to Make “Universal Public Health a Fundamental Right” – Addressing Faultlines in Public Health Services

The COVID19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability in our Public Health System. It has opened our eyes to the importance and needs of a robust Public Health Service in our country. At present Multiple fault lines along with a plethora of Laws, that have no clear cut demarcation as to who shall, in times of such exigencies, exercise real authority, exist. This has lead to a weakened and fragmented approach in dealing with the crisis.

सिप्सुमा स्वास्थ्य सेवाको एक मात्र भरोसा प्रेरणा सुनवार

यो कहानी डुवर्सको अन्य एक करीमूलको हो । २४ वर्षीय युवतीले सम्पूर्ण वन वस्तीको स्वास्थ्यको जिम्मेवारी आफनु काँधमा लिएर गत १० वर्षदेखि लगातार यस सेवामा…