The Deusi Story – It Started From The Magar Army

We all sing Deusurey today, but have you ever wondered when we started to sing it? And what does it mean when we say, “Bali Ma Raj ko… Hukuma Hunda… Aayeko Deusey….”

According to one of the most renowned names in Nepali Lok Geet world, Mr Nabin Khadka of Sankhuwa Sabha (Arun Upatyaka), the tradition of singing deusi started with the Magar Army.

Mr Khadka explained,”The deusi tradition started with the Magar Army.The Magars invented Madal, and they were the original exponents of two dance forms Maruni and Deusi naach.

Even though Marnuni dance was started in the western part of Nepal, it was in the east that it proliferated. Thehe Magars adopted Maruni and mixed it with the eastern cultures, and developed the Sorathi dance, gradually these two dance forms spread across the Nepali world, so to them goes the credit of making Deusi popular among the masses.

As far as singing Deusi is concerned, back in the days, from Rangit river in Darjeeling to Sikkim in the east to Arun nadi in the west, there was a Limbuwan kingdom which was ruled by a very pious Yakthumba king Bali Hang, he spent most of his time in performing dharmic ritualsand his most trusted soldiers were Magars.

One day when the king was in the middle of his usual religious ceremonies, an enemy nation attacked but it was thwarted by his loyal Magar soldiers who after the enemies fled chanted, “Deusurey Failo…. Deusurey Failo…”

In their language, Deusurey meant “We”… Failo meant “Saved” [the kingdom].

Later when the king Bali Hang came to know about the attack and how his brave Magar soldiers had thwarted it, he ordered that every house in the kingdom be made aware of the incident.

SEE ALSO:  Guru Purnima – How Lord Shiva became the first Guru on this day

So after the king Bali Hang ordered the army to tell the story of brave Magar soldiers who had thwarted the attack the soldiers went from door to door sharing how they had saved the kingdom and the practice continued at the same date every year.

Gradually the eastern culture spread all across the Nepali world and even today boys and men go from door to door singing Deusurey in the name of the great king Bali Hang.

Thus we sing, “Hami aafai… aayeko hainau… Bali Ma Raja ko… Hukuma Hunda… Aayeko Deuse… We are not here of our own accord, we are here following the orders of Bali Raja…”

And thus started the Deusi practice.

लोकसंगीत अध्येतासँग देउसी संवादः मगर सेनाबाट सुरु भयो देउसी

साभार : अर्जुन शर्मा

संखुवासभाको अरुण उपत्यकाका नवीन खड्का नेपाली लोक संस्कृति र लोकसंगीत क्षेत्रमा गहिरो अध्ययन गरेका अध्येता हुन् । नेपाली लोकसंगीत संकलनमा छुट्टै स्थान बनाएका उनी नेपालमा मात्रै होइन भारतको दार्जिलिङ, सिक्किम देखि भुटानसम्म प्रख्यात छन् ।

नेपाली लोक संगीतको अध्ययनका लागि अरुण उपत्यका भन्ने संस्था नै खोलेर अभियान चलाइरहेका नवीन र उनको अभियानकी सहयात्री पुस्तका खड्कासँग देउसी भैलो बारे चक्रपथ डटकमका लागि बिनु पोखरेलले गरेको कुराकानीः

तिहारमा देउसी खेल्ने प्रचलन नेपालमा कहिलेबाट सुरु भएको हो ?

देउसी मगर जातिको संस्कृतिबाट सुरु भएको हो । देउसी खेल्ने चलन कसरी सुरु भयो भन्ने रोचक कथा छ । देउसीमा बजाइने मुख्य बाजा मादल हो जुन मगर जातिले आविश्कार गरेका थिए ।

मादलसँगै उनीहरुले दुईवटा पुख्र्यौली नाचको बिकास गरे । एउटा मारुनी र अर्को देउसी नाच । मारुनी र देउसी सभ्यता मगर जातिबाट विकास भएको हो । मारुनी नाचको विकास मगर जातिले गरे पनि यसको सुरुवात कुमाल र माझीहरुबाट भएको थियो ।

SEE ALSO:  आमाको खोजीमा हाँगाबाट खस्दैछन् चिचिलाहरु

देउसीको सुरुवात कसरी भयो त ?

देउसी भन्दा अघि मारुनी नाचबारे केही बुझ्नु पर्छ । गण्डक सभ्यताबाट सुरु भएको मारुनी नाच पछि पूर्बी नेपालमा फैलिंदै गयो ।

पूर्बी नेपालमा भएका अरु संस्कृति समेटेर मगरहरुले मारुनी नाचलाई सोरठी नाचमा मर्ज गरे । पूर्बीय सभ्यतामा यसले निरन्तरता पायो ।

दार्जिलिङ र सिक्किमको बीचबाट बग्ने रंगीत नाम गरेको एउटा नदि छ । त्यो नदिको पश्चिमदेखि र अरुण नदिको पूर्वसम्म लिम्बु जातिको घना बस्ती थियो ।जुन क्षेत्रलाई लिम्बुवान क्षेत्र भनिन्छ ।

त्यस क्षेत्रमा परापूर्वकालमा बलिहाङ नाम गरेका राजा थिए । जसका विश्वास पात्र सेना सबै मगर थिए । ती राजा एकदमै धर्मात्मा थिए । उनी धेरै समय पूजापाठमा विताउँथे । राजकाज भन्दा बढी उनी ध्यान र तपस्यामा हुन्थे ।

हिन्दु धर्म होइन, दर्शन र सभ्यता हो । जसलाई हिन्दु धर्म भनिंदै आएको छ त्यो सनातन धर्म हो । भैलेनी पूर्वीय सभ्यताको एउटा अंश हो ।

बलिहाङ राजा ध्यानमा रहेका बेला छिमेकी देशका सेनाले लिम्बुवानमाथि आक्रमण गर्यो । मगर सेनाले त्यो आक्रमणलाई पराजीत गरे ।

तर यो कुरा बलिहाङलाई थाहा थिएन शत्रुका सेना मारेपछि मगर सेना ‘देउसुरे फाइलो, देउसुरे फाइलो’ भन्दै खुसीले कराउन थाले ।

त्यसबेलाको स्थानीय भाषामा देउसुरेको अर्थ “हामीले” हुन्छ र फाइलोको अर्थ “बचायौं” हुन्छ । उनीहरु यसरी कराउँदै आएपछि बलिहाङ राजाले सोधे– के भएको हो ? सेनाले राजालाई सबै घटना सुनाए ।

राजा यो कुराले झनै खुसी भए र भने– यो सन्देश अब देशैभरी फैलाउ, जहाँसम्म पुग्छौ त्यहाँसम्म “देउसुरे फाइलो” सुनाउँदै हिंड । बलिहाङ राजाले आदेश दिएपछि मगर सेना घरघरै देउसुरे फाइलो भन्दै हिंड्न थाले ।

देउसी भट्याउँदा नछुटाइकन बलि राजाले पठाए भनिन्छ । बलि राजा भनेका तिनै बलिहाङ राजा हुन् । ‘हामी त्यसै आएका होइनौ, बलिमा राजाको हुकुमै हुँदा’ भन्ने चलन अझै छ । त्यसबेला बलिहाङ राजाको आदेशले चलाएको चलन हरेक वर्ष त्यही समयमा अपनाउन थालियो । त्यही संस्कृति पूर्वबाट पश्चिमसम्म पुग्यो ।

SEE ALSO:  Greatest Songs of our Times


Another story of Deusurey

Writes: Bal Krishna

Deusurey story is very interesting, and if we look into our folklore, we find that Bali Maharaj is very popular in almost all the indigenous communities and not just among the mountain communities of India and Nepal, but also among the indigenous communities across India.

My grandmother used to tell me that King Bali, was a mighty Kirat king, who was much adored and loved by all his citizens, he was the most generous and kind King to his citizens, but due to a misunderstanding king, Bali was defeated by Lord Vishnu, who banished him from his Kingdom.However, King Bali would find a way to visit his people once a year.

Thus, those loyal to King Bali would go from door to door, telling the people the date on which the King would visit their village.


Whatever be the story of the origin of Deusurey, it is a beautiful way of creating a bond in the community, among our people. Let us all strive to keep this unique tradition of ours alive.


The Deusi Story – It Started From The Magar Army

23 Comments on "The Deusi Story – It Started From The Magar Army"

  1. Vishnu Raj rai | November 5, 2018 at 8:24 PM | Reply

    First let us know who r kirants, the term finds its place in Yajurved about 4500 a d. The literary meaning in sanskrit conforms Kirant means “jangali” or “असभ्य” and this was exclusively used for Non Aryans so non – Aryan cud be any one say Dravidians , Khambus, yakthumbas, and so on entire population those do not follow the way of life of ARYANS i. e. Hindu way of life. Actually King Bali as referred here in Deosi song the most powerful personality of south India who had confronted outsider invadors-वैदिक Aryans, who killed him but the story as mentioned in Hindu granth do not at all sound scientific goes as lord Vishnu conspiring asked king Bali as to where shall he place his third step…. as story goes that king Bali offred his head for the feet to be put and slide deep inside earth to ‘Patal Lok’ means he was assassinated to establish hindu way of life..or kingdom … Now to mention that in Nepal there have been stronghold of Brahamins and many were from South. The complete story or episode if we go through there are no evidence in the ennals of story or history where a King by name Bali ever existed in the land of Nepal or in the land of Khambus, yakthumbas or yakkhas and magarats, It all seem to happen under conspiracies for maintaining Brahmanical supremacy utilising power of the then kings. But I do agree with the fact that there must have been rich culture of some different kind or say some way the Magars use to celebrate but that got wind for change of direction. Please let us keep aside the confusion among east n west culture as we all know Maruni is highly recognised cultural dance emanates from west . Let us remember one thing that Britishers recognised नेपाल for undounted action of bravery cos of 600 ” ठेठ” brave of the bravest Magars non else. ‘Daju bhai ho Bhram ma na parnus. hos’. ‘satya ma basnus vijai agari chha.’.By the way in the name of King Bali the Keralaits celebrate Onam.

  2. Ha ha ha!!! 😂😂😂😂 What??? Deusi started from Magar army????? You Darjeeling dhoti doesn’t know anything about Nepal’s and Nepalese history so you better shut up…Do u even know who Bali hang was??? He was one of the kings of Kirat and kirati people are Rai,Limbu, Sunuwar and yakkha NOT Magar or Gurung… Magar and Gurung have their own history…It was kirati people who started playing deusi and also Bhai tika celebration… According to history one day Bali hang was seriously ill and the kirati people were sad to see their king in that situation and Bali hang send the youths to go to each and every house to pray for his health and luckily Bali hang was recovered and because of this reason playing deusi was started…deusi was never related to either Magar or Gurung… Remember in ancient times Nepal was known as Kirat desh because kirats were the first to come to Nepal and also ruled for 1225 years including Kathmandu valley…After Kirat dynasty Lichhavi dynasty started and kirats left Kathmandu valley because they lost the war with licchavis…At that time our last Kirat king Gasti was ruling Kathmandu valley before licchavis came from India and defeated kirat king Gasti…Kirats had 29 kings and Bali hang was one of them but Magars never had their own king… Don’t write what ever pops in your head without knowing the kirat history properly and their contribution to Nepal…

  3. Very interesting, the whole story and contradicts! But what I know is that Bali Hang was a kirati subba monarch of the root of Nepalese kingdom and the legacy began when he , “Bali Hang ” an atheist was recovered from illness after he prayed to God as advised by his Queen through God! Correct me if I’m wrong, intelligent people!

    • Yalung Mangpahang | October 28, 2019 at 4:15 PM | Reply

      The word atheist,here sounds a bit unsounding the kiratis had their own darsan and beliefs somehow similar to taoism,which later got into political turmoil.I much more peefer the above story which sounds logical and contradicts.

  4. Sunita Khatiwara | October 28, 2019 at 12:12 PM | Reply

    As far as I have read Bali Hang was from the kirat community.

  5. Yalung Mangpahang | October 28, 2019 at 4:15 PM | Reply

    The word atheist,here sounds a bit unsounding the kiratis had their own darsan and beliefs somehow similar to taoism,which later got into political turmoil.I much more peefer the above story which sounds logical and contradicts.

  6. Kirat means different people at different times of history. Today mainly Rai and Limbu tribes identify themselves as Kirat but if you go back in history all non Brahamen’s were collectively called Kirat.

    • Ooi ur not kirati… We Rai and limbu are. In cast going back to history we stand superior. U other than Rai and limbu calling urself kirant Pliz don’t forget internal marriages still go on into ur culture. We don’t.

  7. Vishnu Raj Rai | October 28, 2019 at 11:32 PM | Reply

    22 si Raj the king Baliraja from Kalyan rajbangshi had established Karnali kingdom n was a rular.He is known as Baliraja not BaLihang. We pronounce Baliraja ko hukam le pathayeko etc etc.
    Non-Aryans r called Kirantas.For example from south Bahubali or Baliraja all dravidas r also Kirantas.So we need to understand intricacies of conspiracies in religion, cultures, traditions, history,political and day to day way of life.People r fond of sharing dhotis but some do not cos they have better ones then the one refering to,cos we r the first foundation stone in the country.

  8. Deepak Chettri | October 29, 2019 at 9:20 AM | Reply

    ..Hami aphai aayeko hoina.. Bali Raja le pathayeko.. deusure…
    Thanz for letting know on about the Deusi Bhailo culture.

  9. Yo chai hawre ho la ling bali chai kirat ko raja lo not of mangar

  10. As per my thinking,we all descussing culture or song of nepal/ Nepalese.
    Anurodh chho,
    Hajur harlai, Nepali mai lekhom, nepali mai samjhom, Nepali mai samshaum, hoina.

    Feri phoni mo, bhonnu chhahanchu ..ajo Yo Darjeeling Chronicle le gorda ro hajur harko comments le ajo maile dherei, purkhouli itihash haru prapt gore ko chhu ro estai purano itihash haru batou ani chhalfal rari rahosh bhoni hajur harulai..dash aula binti garda chhu…🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  11. As per my thinking,we all descussing culture or song of nepal/ Nepalese.
    Anurodh chho,
    Hajur harlai, Nepali mai lekhom, nepali mai samjhom, Nepali mai samjhaum, hoina.

    Feri phoni mo, bhonnu chhahanchu ..ajo Yo Darjeeling Chronicle le gorda ro hajur harko comments le ajo maile dherei, purkhouli itihash haru prapt gore ko chhu ro estai purano itihash haru baatou ani chhalfal gari rahosh bhoni hajur harulai..dash aula binti garda chhu…🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  12. Guys be cool !!! Kirat Doesn’t only refers or signifies rai,limbu,etc it refers all Mongolians dependents a nd to k ow about Mongolians try google

  13. King Mahabali sacrificed his head for some good purpose. Deu means “give” and Sire means “head”. So the festival is asking ultimate sacrifice. It makes sense. We can’t give our heads but give money or other precious things.

    • बलीहाङ ताङ्नाम को Deusi laringe-namlinge पूर्वी नेपालमा परापूर्व कालका बलीहङको बेलादेखि सुरुवात भए पनि एक थरी मगरहरु पूर्वबाट नै
      छिरेका हुन्।
      Balihang नाम राखिएको थुप्रै राजाहरू पछि देखिन्छ – पूर्व देखि पशचिमसम्म। पश्चिममा देउसी प्रथा धेरै पछि मगरहरूले नै लोकप्रिय बनाएको हो। मगराँत हुँदै देउसी को प्रचलन खसानमा ५००-६०० अघि मात्र सुरू भएको हो।

  14. The info in Wikipedia makes more sense.

  15. इश्बी को १००० तिर अलबेरुनीले भारत बर्षको इतिहास लेखेका छन् | उनले त्यस पुस्तकमा भनेका छन् , बिरोचनका पुत्र वलीलाइ बन्दि बनाएर राखिएको थियो बर्षमा एकपटक दिपावलीका दिन उनलाई मुक्त गरिन्थियो र त्यस दिन भारत बर्षमा उनको आधिपत्य चल्थियो | त्यसलाई कृत युग भनिएको छ | तिहारमा खेलिने देउसीमा पुकारिने वली नामका राजा उनै बिरोचनका पुत्र हुन् भन्ने यस पुस्तकको सार हो | त्यसैले यी वली नामका राजालाइ नेपाल र भारतमा सबैले आफ्नो समुदाय वा जातिको राजा भनि दाबी गर्ने गरिन्छ | नेपालको एक पुरानो जाति खस छेत्रीले वली राजालाइ आफ्नो जातिको राजा भन्ने गरेकाछन् उता ठकुरीहरुले आफ्नो समुदायकको राजा बलिराज शाही नै वली राजा हुन् भन्ने गर्छन भने मगरहरुले बलिहाँग आफ्नो जातिको पूर्ब राजा हुन् र उनी रानामगर थिए भन्छन | लिम्बु र राई जातिले त वली राजा वा बलिहाँग आफ्नो जातिको राजा हो भन्ने कुरा त यस लेखमा पनि आइगयो तर सबै भन्दा पुरानो लिखित इतिहास त्यो पनि मुसलमानले लेखेको इतिहास हो “अलबेरुनीका भारत ” नामक पुस्तक | यो पुस्तकलाइ भारतको इतिहास लेखनको पहिलो पुस्तक मानिन्छ | वली राजा वा बलिहाँग कुन जातिका राजा थिए भनि थाहा पाउन भारतको इतिहासको पनि अध्ययन गर्न जरुरी छ भन्ने मलाई लाग्दछ | भवतु सब्ब मङ्गलम |

  16. Narendra rana Magar. | October 22, 2020 at 4:41 PM | Reply

    While how ever Bali raja was indigenous families either Kira’s or magar , no discussion the fact is to find the right histories of Bali raja ,

  17. it seems to be quiet informative.The information shared above came to my glance when i try to goole for the bali raja. because i was curious to know about him and i had heard many time the history chanting in deo su re which is rarely seems to be retold by any people ever again from the day i heard in pachthar.

  18. बलीहाङ ताङ्नाम को Deusi laringe-namlinge पूर्वी नेपालमा परापूर्व कालका बलीहङको बेलादेखि सुरुवात भए पनि एक थरी मगरहरु पूर्वबाट नै
    छिरेका हुन्।
    Balihang नाम राखिएको थुप्रै राजाहरू पछि देखिन्छ – पूर्व देखि पशचिमसम्म। पश्चिममा देउसी प्रथा धेरै पछि मगरहरूले नै लोकप्रिय बनाएको हो। मगराँत हुँदै देउसी को प्रचलन खसानमा ५००-६०० अघि मात्र सुरू भएको हो।

  19. The above myth can be true…Though magars were from central nepal,as per history a small portion of magars were also at limbuwan borders of the past..We can read about magars in sikkim history how they fought against Bhutia kings of sikkim

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