
THE TRAILBLAZER – Jorebunglow Woman Biker On an Inspiring Journey

What comes to your mind when you hear someone say they took a trip to Mustang on a bike? Obviously, a hunk, strongly built, in a classic leather jacket, and maybe a pair of glares. Well how about a little change of context? This time it happens to be a woman. Yes, Darjeeling’s very own daughter, Sumnima Rai. She is the first female to take on the undulating road. And she proved how well-equipped she is to face the lethal twists and turns waiting around in every corner.

RETHINKING THE TEA INDUSTRY – Tea Garden Familes Aren’t Bonded Labourers

The way the tea industry is set up is highly feudalistic with the workers having zero rights. This was a model championed by the colonial Britishers. They did not want the natives to have any rights, and to remain bonded to the tea companies. This modern day bonded labour practice has continued in the tea gardens of Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars.

MIRIK “JAMTARA”: How eKart Vendor CABT Took Out Loan Using their Employees Personal Data

A very shocking incident came to light recently with multiple employees of eKart (Delivery wing of Flipkart) in Mirik, Darjeeling finding that unbeknownst to them, huge amount of loans had been taken out in their name. What’s astounding is that they became victims of data leak, identity theft and fraud, not by any fraudulent “phone-scam” or “Nigerian Prince” type scam. The data, it turns out was used by their employer eKart to take out loan without informing the victims. We are fearful that what happened in Mirik is just the tip of the iceberg, and there is every possibility that the company’s extent of financial misappropriation, if it can be called that, or straight out financial fraud, may in fact be far wider. Involvement of App-based loan companies KarmaLife and InnoFin in this whole murky business exposes the dirty underbelly of FinTech start-ups, that may be duping thousands of victims, without their knowledge even.

Harish Mukhia – A visionary

Harish Mukhia was a trailblazer, who revolutionized the Darjeeling Tea Industry, and continued to serve our region and people till his last breath. A humble grounded man, who helped all those who sought his help, and considered his wife Mani as the main inspiration behind his success This is his story.

The Moon, He Created Muluk Bahira

“sympathy for the poor emerges from the hearts of the poor. One beggar knows the pain of another.” The dog, he says, is “a creature similar to me, who begs to eat.” – Bangdel wrote in his most famous short novel The Cripple’s Friend.

Parliamentary Standing Committee Scathing Findings on Darjeeling and Dooars Tea Industry – Recommends Legislative Action for Ensuring Parja Patta Rights and Other Reforms

The report takes note that “the tea garden workers in Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars do not have land or ‘Parja-Patta’ (land rights) on their ancestral tea growing lands. To dwell on their ancestral homes, they must send at least one family members to work for the tea company. On failure to send a family member for work, they lose their rights to live on their ancestral lands. Since the land rights are vested with tea company, there have been instances when the aged workers having no children were denied the right to even repair their houses on their ancestral lands.”

Ajit Doval – An Open Letter to the National Security Advisor

We know Sir, you must have multiple agenda and issues to deal with nationally, so I felt I will help you with avoiding some issues, while you relax with your family here, and perhaps meet with politicians who have won the recent elections and ink a few deals on “Political Solution” (fact that Mamata Banerjee hasn’t said a word against your presence here is a dead give-away).