
Harsha Vardhan Shringla – Not really an outsider

Harsh Vardhan Shringla is yet to make his views clear on the issue of “Gorkha Aspirations” but it would also be too premature to rule him out. If he has enough pull in the “corridors of power”, that could be useful for the masses to get their aspirations fulfilled. At worst, he can be similar to the past three BJP MPs.

Taming The Beast – Now, TMC May Shring-la?

Despite claims to contrary, it is clear that the BJP central leadership and also BJP West Bengal Unit have not been sincere towards Gorkha aspirations. So definitely they are not happy with Raju Bista constantly raking up the PPS and Gorkha ST issue. It makes them uncomfortable, when a youthful MP reminds them of their constant failure to address these issues. So they would rather have a “Maun-Mohan” than a “Modi” among their ranks. They would rather have someone who strictly toes the party line, and avoids contentious issues like PPS and Gorkha ST. Hence, there is a very strong rumor going around that BJP central leadership is seeking to replace Raju Bista with Harshavardhan Shringla.

Darjeeling Historical Perspective and 5 Decimal Land

ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेजहरू हुँदाहुँदै पनि यो ५ डेसिमलको कुरा घरिघरि उठिरहदा र उठाई रहदा म त हाम्रो बुद्धिजीवी भनाैदाहरू संग पो तीन छक्क पर्छु। यि सत्तालोलुप माटो र जाति बिरोधी नेताहरू त आफ्नो पैसा अनि चाैकी को निम्ति जानिजानि सरकार र तल्लो तहका एकदुई जाना जाति बिरोधी एजेन्टहरूको सहयोगमा पहाडका सिधासादा जनतालाई बोरामा सुताउने काम गर्दैछ तर मिडिया र स्वयम्भु बुद्धिजीवीहरूले कि त नबुझेर हो या त ती जाति र माटो बिरोधी नेताहरूले जस्तै नाटक गरेको हो। पहाडको जनताले सूक्ष्म अवलोकन गरिएको छ।


The Calcutta High Court Circuit Bench of Partha Sarathi Sen and Arijit Banerjee has finaly given bail to the nine youths Suraj Pradhan, Shyam Kami, Deoraj Lepcha, Mahindra Kami, Firoj Thapa, Ashbin Gurung, Dawa Sherpa @ Dawa Tempa Sherpa, Nabin Rai and Paras Mangar in a case filed in Darjeeling Sadar Police Station Case No. 214 of 2017 (relating to Amitava Malik case). Thanks to the two lawyers Pratap Khati and Vandana Rai who finally filed the bail petition on their behalf.

RETHINKING THE TEA INDUSTRY – Tea Garden Familes Aren’t Bonded Labourers

The way the tea industry is set up is highly feudalistic with the workers having zero rights. This was a model championed by the colonial Britishers. They did not want the natives to have any rights, and to remain bonded to the tea companies. This modern day bonded labour practice has continued in the tea gardens of Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars.

Ajit Doval – An Open Letter to the National Security Advisor

We know Sir, you must have multiple agenda and issues to deal with nationally, so I felt I will help you with avoiding some issues, while you relax with your family here, and perhaps meet with politicians who have won the recent elections and ink a few deals on “Political Solution” (fact that Mamata Banerjee hasn’t said a word against your presence here is a dead give-away).

Will the “Good News” ever come?

Baje always carried a radio set with him; a radio set he was very proud to own because it was given to him personally by Durga Malla. He often reiterated that Durga Malla received that radio as a gift from Netaji Subash Chandra Bose. While giving the radio to Baje, Malla had said; “One day ‘good news’ for the Gorkhas will come from this radio”. Therefore, Baje has been keeping the radio secure, and patiently waiting for the‘good news’ to finally come.

Thank You, Sikkim

They Say “Blood is thicker than Water” and A friend in need is a friend indeed and Sikkim has proven the old adage true once again. Sikkim stands with us not just as our neighbour and friend but also our extended family of Blood and Bones.