Search Results for darjeeling

2024 General Elections: Darjeeling LS Constituency – A Summary

In 2024, the contest was between two major party – BJP and TMC, however, the contest had been made interesting by the entry of individuals, who are popular on social media. The interesting equation was made further interesting by the entry of Kurseong MLA Bishnu Prasad Sharma, who entered the fray against his own party BJP’s official candidate Raju Bista.

Darjeeling Hills University (DHU): Where are the milestones?

Not a single regular staff has been appointed by the Government of West Bengal so far! It has been functioning under the mercy of NBU and college teachers in and around the region. Why is there no full-time VC, Registrar, Finance Officer, Controller of Examinations, Librarians and faculty members in the university even after three years of its establishments. Why is the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration, the custodian of well-being of Darjeeling hills, not pushing and putting pressure on the state government?

Water Security – Kolbong, located in remote Darjeeling Himalaya, leads way

The event was part of the national research project entitled ‘Spring Rejuvenation for Water Security in Himalaya’ funded under National Mission on Himalayan Studies (NMHS), Government of India being implemented across selected aspirational districts of Himalayan states in the country. The project aims to develop a model ‘water sanctuary’ around a selected spring and undertakes many activities focussing on the rejuvenation of depleting water resource and its optimum management. 

The Traffic Problem in Darjeeling town: from a daily commuter’s standpoint.

Every morning, a single question always bothers me before leaving for the office: ‘will I reach the office on time or not?’ For instance, from New-Jalpaiguri to Howrah, it takes approximately 7.5 hours now, and reaching Darjeeling from Sukhiapokhri or Sonada takes nearly 3.5 hours more than usual. This situation poses significant seriousness and challenges due to increased slow traffic movement; which not only affects mental stress and emotional imbalance in individuals but also aggravates air and noise pollution.

Parliamentary Standing Committee Scathing Findings on Darjeeling and Dooars Tea Industry – Recommends Legislative Action for Ensuring Parja Patta Rights and Other Reforms

The report takes note that “the tea garden workers in Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars do not have land or ‘Parja-Patta’ (land rights) on their ancestral tea growing lands. To dwell on their ancestral homes, they must send at least one family members to work for the tea company. On failure to send a family member for work, they lose their rights to live on their ancestral lands. Since the land rights are vested with tea company, there have been instances when the aged workers having no children were denied the right to even repair their houses on their ancestral lands.”