To the Selfless Samaritan From Sikkim

Selfless Samaritan from Sikkim

TheDC team sends a warm “Shout Out” to this kind samaritan from Sikkim, whose act of serendipitous selflessness helped save the life of a lady in Darjeeling yesterday.

Narrating the incident, Ms. Pasang Hinata Bhutia says, “My mother’s elder sister Maya Rai from Lower Aloobari Busty who is quite old is hospitalized in Eden due to heavy nose bleed and we were in need of B+ blood… since yesterday was a Sunday, blood exchange was not possible.

As my brother was speaking over the phone and asking our friends and relatives to find someone with the matching blood group, this guy overheard the conversation, and stepped forward to donate blood. My brother couldn’t believe how this total stranger had selflessly agreed to stand by us, when my family needed help the most. His group was B+ too. He donated the blood, and in the milieu my brother to get his name…

We just want you to kindly thank him on behalf of for his selfless act. So that others too get encouraged and inspired to help those who need.”

Her brother Sanjay Rai writes, “This guy helped us in times of need. We don’t know his name he is from Sikkim… He didn’t ask for anything in return for his help. He just asked us to help others in times of need… He proved that God do exist but not in temples but in humans. Humanity still exist… yo bhai ko ho ma chindina… tara yo bhaile aaja ma anjaan maancheko aamko nimti blood chahinda blood donate gari dinu vayo jun yo goon ma zindagi var birsinu sakdina… yo bhailai dhanyabaad dinu pani mero mukh bata suhaawdaina hola… bhagawaa sanga prarthana cha ki yo bhaile dekheko sapana sabai pura hos… ra haami pani yo bhai jastai hune kosish garnu parla….

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Thank You so much dear Unknown Stranger, it is people like you who help us to realize that even in the direst of times, we are not alone.

We request our readers to kindly share this, so that may someone who knows him inform him about how thankful we all are for his kind act. We are hopeful that his act of altruistic kindness will inspire thousands of others to help those in need.

Take a bow Sir!! You have earned it!!

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