
Cinchona and Tea Garden Workers Facing Grave Problems Due to Mismatch in Aadhar, EPF, and UAN Numbers

सिन्कोना(Cinchona) अनि चिया बगान श्रमिकहरुको (E.P.F) भविष्य निधि कोषको आफ्नु(U.A.N) Universal Account Number संग आफ्नु आधार कार्ड संख्य Link नभएमा उक्त, श्रमिकहरुको मासिक कटौती ई,पी,एफ धनराशी 01 जुन 2021 देखि आफ्नु कोषमा जम्मा नहुने सरकार द्घारा अधिकारीक आदेश आए वापत सिन्कोना अनि चियाबारीको हजारौं श्रमिकहरु मार्कमा परेको छन् !

Hydroxychloroquine and Our Cinchona

As the world fights against Coronavirus, two words have dominated conversations in our Darjeeling and Kalimpong hills – Hydroxychloroquine and Cinchona. There is excitement among certain sections of the people that finally our Cinchona plantations will be given their long-awaited look by the Government. This article sheds light on our Cinchona plantations and presents to you the grim situation facing this sector and the opportunities therein.