
Shout Out to Isabella Gurung of Kurseong

Sikkim Express journalist Isabella Gurung is representing India at the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) titled ‘Call to Climate Action: Building Public Awareness through Media Advocacy’- a project for India at the United States of America (USA) from June 15 -July 6.

Indo-Nepal Friendship Bus – Siliguri to Kathmandu

The India–Nepal Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1950 forms the cornerstone of the special bond between the two nations of Nepal and India which ensures that citizens of both nations rely on each other and enjoy similar advantages, facilities, and opportunities, nearly equivalent to those available to their own citizens.

Two Years Since Abrogation of Article 370: Kashmir Moves Forward to Development in its Truest Sense

It has been two years since the present, PM Modi led the NDA government on 5th August 2019, took a historical move by revoking decades-long controversial Article 370 and Article 35A in Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). All said and done, most importantly, the move ensured everyone in J&K come at par with the rest of the nation by securing all the rights and privileges accessible to the citizens of the country. The articles proved to be an inhibitor to the growth and development of the region, and with its annulment, the region is witnessing a rapid pace of all-around growth and development.

Gorkhaland and The Kalimpong Massacre – July 27th, 1986

The Kalimpong Massacre is a pivotal moment in the history of Darjeeling, and literally marks the day when our beautiful, peaceful, silent, and tolerant hills lost its innocence. The anger which was given birth on July 27th, 1986… ended up engulfing all of the hills, Terai and Dooars. Thousands of youth lost their lives, thousands of mothers lost their sons and daughters, thousands of wives became widows and thousands of children became orphans.

Sujai Lama – One of India’s best Rugby players

Born in a troubled city, in a troubled time – Sujai Lama decided to rise above his struggles and the daily grind. There have been many sporting greats from amongst us, who have made it big at the national and international level – but no one, as far as we know, has worked this hard… and come this far… and yet remained so obscure that the amazing story of his struggles and sporting legacy has remained out of the public view till today.

India Nepal Border Dispute – A Brief Historical Background

Video shared by Prem Thapa where a noted Nepali historian Professor Ramesh Kumar Dhungel explains the basis of historical Nepali claims. He makes maps produced till 1856 as the basis for Nepalese claims. And implies that India made changes which earlier Nepali administrations did not challenge. What he does not mention, for reasons best know to him, is that 1879 map of British India corresponds to present boundary.

Post Bodo Pact, All Eyes on How Centre Deals with Gorkhaland Issue

As the news of a settlement between the government of India and various factions of Bodo groups started to trickle in, there was much curiosity in Darjeeling hills – home to another demand for the separate state — Gorkhaland. Even though parallels can be drawn between the two, the demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland supersedes that of Bodoland by decades, and the unique geographical positioning of Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars, makes it one of the most cosmopolitan and at the same time one of the most vulnerable regions in India.