Walk toward the light


A friend lost her loved one to a long and relentless battle with depression. Another waited for her husband to come home. He was in the ICU and had just recovered from COVID. She excitedly put on her shoes and rushed to the door to bring him back home from the hospital. Just then, the phone rang.

"Walk toward the light "

It broke my heart
To see your face
When the call came 
I wish I could
Reach out,
Comfort you
And assure you 
I have moved 
To the quiet
If I knew now
What I knew then
I'd stop.
Hurry less.
Walk slow,
Very slow 
Exhale more.

I'd explore
Not stagnate 
Be rooted
Yet free
Wild to roam 

Not tear walls,
Be fearless
Step up
Stand out
Speak up
Secure in my 
Befriend more
Be kind 
Much kinder 
Live a little
Live a lot 
Take chances 
Laugh more,
Harder, longer  

Rebel a little 
Rebel a lot !
Be reckless
Sometimes ! 
Not exist

I'd understand
That people 
Behind their fake smiles 
To not care
For the world -view
Be impervious,
To illogical opinions 
Irrational displeasure
Irate chastising 
Unimaginable prejudices 
Abhorrent discrimination
Opportunistic 'friends'
I'd understand that 
Social stature 
Do not define 
Inherent good will 
That the inner 
Is silenced
Coerced to mass yes-ism 
Robotically moulded
To fit in
Rather than stand out
In a society where
Normal and mediocre
Fit the bill
"Safe ".
No place 
At the high table 
For the 
The misfits 
The crazies 
Anyone with a view
That threatens
To question 
I'd have released
the rebel within 
To balance the 
Goody godly side
Rather than reach
That point
Where I want
To scream 
out loud 
I'd understand
That people's behaviour
Mirror their 
wretched souls
Insecurities and rage
Lashed out 
In order
For them to rise
Others must fall
In order
To survive
Others must perish
I'd understand this 
And move away
Not agonise 
I'd surround myself 
With the few
Who lighten 
My soul
Who love
The inner me
Who infuse 
I'd DO
The bucket list
DO more
The unkept promises
Unfulfilled dreams 
Live out 
My dream
At the end
All the paper work 
And the terabytes
Stored in 
Password protected 
All the meetings 
The hustle 
And survival
Taken away 
In one second 
Above all
I would realise 
We are assured
That we cross over
And meet 
On the other side
Don't wait 
Like I did
To walk to the light 
Only at the end 
Dispel the darkness 
Right now
For in the end 
Happy memories are
All that remain.

Globally, as of 11:33am India Time, 30th of January 2021, there have been 102,636,329 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 2,216,421 deaths, reported to WHO.

SEE ALSO:  Coronavirus Lockdown and its Impact on Hill Students

The cases continue to grow world- wide. It is important not to lose our guard. Continue to wear masks. Continue to maintain social distancing. Hold back on entertaining and large gatherings. Stay positive and focus on the good. This too, like all things good and bad, shall pass.

The Author Dr. Rekha Samuel, MD is a Pathologist, Scientist and writer. An alumnus of Mount Hermon School, Darjeeling She lives with her husband and two cocker spaniels in Kolkata.

Sun Ray Light

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