Inauguration of St Joseph’s College Geographical Society

St Joseph’s College Darjeeling

On 02 September 2019, Department of Geography, St Joseph College inaugurated St Joseph’s College Geographical Society. Major objectives of this society is: to develop the critical thinking skill among the students; to explore the Eastern Himalaya with especial reference to Darjeeling Himalaya in terms of its history, culture, livelihood and physical make up; to organise a field survey with especial reference to disaster studies, spring management and rainwater harvesting in Darjeeling Himalaya.

The executive members consist of the student of Department of Geography, St Joseph’s College, Department of Geography, Darjeeling Govt College and Department of Geography, Southfield College. Whereas in the advisory body following members would be included: Principal of St Joseph’s College, Faculty members from the Department of Geography, Faculty members from the other institutes (Geog Dept), Research scholars (working in Eastern Himalaya) and stakeholders from the NGOs. The collaborative approach will be followed by the society by integrating different stakeholders (local people as well) while pursuing any future program or field studies.

St Joseph’s College

Its major mission is to widen the space for enhancing all-round development for the pursuit of academic excellence. Presence and feedbacks of the invited guest from DLR PRERNA, Research Scholar (Wageningen University), Director (TIEEDI Forest Garden), Faculty from Darjeeling Govt College, Southfield College are genuinely noted for further analysis of the future program.

SEE ALSO:  BABA - by Dipankar Singh Mukhia

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