
Sikkim: Bye-Elections 2019 and the Excitement

This statement of his has become quite relevant for the ongoing bye-elections in Sikkim this year for the three constituencies. Never has Sikkim witnessed such an interesting bye-election as people knew what was to come for them. Yet, we all wait to see the final results and get reassured that Atalji was correct in his analysis that elections are and will remain the mainstay of democratic India.

Kanchendzonga is like a Battle Gear and Armour for Sikkim

I am a mountain girl. Unapologetically so. I need to see my mountains to feel alive and to be alive. Which is why I could never work or grow roots in any place elsewhere. I need to wake up to the sight of the Kanchendzonga massif every day; on the days the skies veil her over, I know she is just there.

Remembering Forgotten Gandhi of Sikkim

His name is Late Trilochan Pokhrel or popularly called as ‘Gandhi Pokhrel’ or ‘Bande Pokhrel’. However the sad instance in Sikkim that hardly anyone knows him. He becomes the forgotten chapters of Sikkimese History. Late Pokhrel was born at Tareythang Busty in Pakyong sub-division of East Sikkim in the last decade of 19th Century.

A Village Awaits Development: विकास पर्खेर बसेको गाउँ

उमेर हुँदा पाखुरी बजाएर बारीखेती गर्ने दुइ ज्यान अहिले कमजोर भइसकेका छन्। बस्तीमा बाँझो खेत, सुक्खा जमिनमा उनीहरू आफ्नो सास अड़काएर बसेका छन्। रात काट्न दुइ कोठाको घर छ। अवस्था दयनीय छ।