
COVID19, Water Scarcity and Unsafe Mass of Darjeeling Hills

World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) States that “Respiratory viruses like coronavirus disease (COVID19) spreads when mucus or droplets containing virus gets into your body through eyes, nose or throat. Most often, this happens through hands. During such a global pandemic one of the cheapest, easiest and most important way to prevent the spread of a virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

Die Another Day

With the Coronavirus outbreak being declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation; most nations have declared a self –isolation period. India too has declared a Janta (public) curfew. As a result, many office-goer are now working from home.

दार्जीलिंग पहाड़को राजनैतिक परिप्रेक्ष्यमा – झारखण्ड चुनावको नतीजा बीजेपीलाई असल पाठ

हुन सक्छ दार्जीलिंग, तराई, डुवर्सको स्थायी समाधान हेतु बंगाल विधान सभा अघि भाजपाको आफ्नै विवशता हुन सक्छ तर छुटेका ११ जनजातिहरूलाई जनजातिको दर्जा भने दिलाउनै पर्नेछ। २०१४ को डुवर्सको मालबजारबाट आफ्नो चुनावी भाषणमा तत्कालीन भाजपाका प्रधानमंत्री उम्मेद्वार र बर्तमान प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदीद्वारा गोर्खाका यी छुटेका ११ वटै जातहरूको एक एक गरी नाम लिएर जनजातिको दर्जा दिलाउने प्रतिबद्धता जाहेर गरेका थिए । तर २०१४ पछि बिभिन्न कमिटिहरू गठन पश्चात भारतीय गोर्खाहरूलाई जनजातिको दर्जा हेतु कुनै ठोस कार्य नै भएन अनि शंका लाग्छ कहीं हामीलाई भुल्लाउने काम मात्रै त भएन?

Fracking: In Context to India

India ranks as the world’s 7th largest primary energy producer and the 5th largest energy consumer. With a population of 1.3 billion, the country’s energy…

दार्जीलिङ ब्लुज

प्रत्येक दिनखदुवा बन्दुक बोकेर एक हुल अस्सीको दशकहरूचोक बजार भएर गइरहेका छन्हतियार समर्पणको निम्ति। मोहब्बत गल्लीको भीड़माअस्ती नै हराइसकेका छन्लाल ढिकीमा डेली लाइन लाग्नेरङ्गीन जेरिकेन…

Siliguri-The Legitimate Claim Since the Old Gorkha Days

A question that anti-Gorkha elements have always triggered to counter Gorkha’s claim on Siliguri since the time of Left Front is, why should Siliguri be in Gorkhaland when 80 per cent of its population speaks Bengali? I decided not to halt unearthing the answer so easily after coming across an individual who said that this is an invalid claim of the community. To arrive at a proper conclusion, the most important of all the aspects would be to consider economy, demography and history.