Happy New YearHappy New Year

Dear readers. We wish you all a very happy and joyous New Year.

2020 has been a tough year for all of us. It was a very difficult year. The world came to a standstill and some of us lost our loved ones.

The suppression of our fundamental rights, rampant chaos, violence, dominance, grave injustices and extreme human rights violations continued unabated. In all honesty, in 2020 we experienced a more violent, more intense and more cruel take down of any and all voices that are not singing in tune with the powers that be.

But then, in 2020 we also witnessed a rare display of courage, of defiance and will to continue speaking out against the wrongs by a few brave-hearts, and no matter how feeble those voices may have been, they have been resilient and have refused to be silenced.

We salute you all.

We witnessed how brutality, fear tactics, the lure for money and greed were successfully used by the powers that be on our people, particularly on those already in the political space, completely hijacked our unity by sowing and deepening the seeds of differences and animosity among us. Some have succumbed to these, while a handful are still resisting.

But however brutally our struggle – to dream of a dignified life through the creation of a separate State of our own within the Constitution of India – may have been suppressed by those in power, we endured 2020 and have NOT STOPPED from aspiring to struggle for the realisation of Gorkhaland.

This way we have kept the hope of Gorkhaland alive.

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This was possible only because of you all, so please keep your struggles and the hope for a better tomorrow on. Let us continue to fight tooth and nail for a life that we value living, a life of free will with no fear, a life of dignity, respect and pride.

As we enter into 2021, we salute our people for their unimaginable strength and endurance against the divisive, dominating powers and their dummy-stooges.

Let us consciously keep in mind the precious lives that were snubbed out in their prime, their surviving families, and all those who are continued to be hounded for reporting the truth.

Let us welcome 2021 praying and asking for Gods to keep their blessings and protection on us.
2021 is a year fo great significance for our community, we have an opportunity to oust the old – including the sellouts, the brokers of power and the tyrant and give an opportunity for a new era of politics and possibilities to take roots in our region.

In 2021 we vote, and we have the golden opportunity to show the tyrant and her stooges that in a democracy the common people will always prevail, always.

Let us all use our power of ballot to put an end to this dictatorship forever. Let us all vote for our unity against the fragments that have been created. For realizing our dreams and collective aspirations against those who have suppressed and oppressed us for daring to dream. For laying the foundation of a new beginnings against those who have time and again sold out our dreams for their personal privileges. Let us vote for the restoration of democracy against dictatorship and tyranny in our beloved Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars.

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Let 2021 mark the year, the Gorkha renaissance began.

Jai Gorkha. Jai Gorkhaland.

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