Articles by TheDC News Desk

Save Our Mall Road

Hey good people of Darjeeling, as much as we claim to “love” our hills, there are very few who actually seem to care. Look at…

गोरखाको हराएको चिनारी : दूर्भाग्य कि द्वेष?

Writes: सुदर्शन लिम्बु “आर यू फ्रम नेपाल?” यो प्रश्नले शायदै भारतीय गोरखाहरूलाई पिरोलेका छन् जत्तिको मलाई पिरोलेका थिए जब रोजगारको शिलशिलामा विदेशको नौलो ठाँउमा शुरूका…

Slaying The Evil !!!

Poet: Shraddha Rai Why do you weep, mother dear? What demon do you fear? The mountains are dying Said she all the while crying But…

History Of Justice

Poet: Rohan Chhetri Some kids from the neighbourhood are bursting firecrackers by the side of our compound wall. Grandmother is screaming at them. Mother smiles…

अचेल दार्जिलिङ

कवी : जय कुमार राई, बिजनबारी कुनै ठूलो अपराध गरे जस्तै  अनुहारमा स्पष्ट देखिने अात्माग्लानि बाेकेर कञ्चनजंगाकाे अगाडि शिर निहुराएर उभिएको छ अहिले दार्जिलिङ ।…