Articles by Guest Author

SONAM SHERPA – A Legend Unparalleled

Everyone will have a Sonam Sherpa story to tell. From the multitudes of awestruck fans who, for the first time, witnessed Sonam set the stage on fire with his Les Paul. The fan-students (and their fan-parents) who made their way to Hauz Khas Village in Delhi every week to learn from the master himself. The bandmates-turned-brothers from India’s biggest rock band with whom he traversed the length and breadth of the country (and beyond), spreading the good news of rock’n’roll. Collaborators in music with whom he was quick to share his gift with. His friends from school… Everyone.

दार्जीलिंग पहाड़को राजनैतिक परिप्रेक्ष्यमा – झारखण्ड चुनावको नतीजा बीजेपीलाई असल पाठ

हुन सक्छ दार्जीलिंग, तराई, डुवर्सको स्थायी समाधान हेतु बंगाल विधान सभा अघि भाजपाको आफ्नै विवशता हुन सक्छ तर छुटेका ११ जनजातिहरूलाई जनजातिको दर्जा भने दिलाउनै पर्नेछ। २०१४ को डुवर्सको मालबजारबाट आफ्नो चुनावी भाषणमा तत्कालीन भाजपाका प्रधानमंत्री उम्मेद्वार र बर्तमान प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदीद्वारा गोर्खाका यी छुटेका ११ वटै जातहरूको एक एक गरी नाम लिएर जनजातिको दर्जा दिलाउने प्रतिबद्धता जाहेर गरेका थिए । तर २०१४ पछि बिभिन्न कमिटिहरू गठन पश्चात भारतीय गोर्खाहरूलाई जनजातिको दर्जा हेतु कुनै ठोस कार्य नै भएन अनि शंका लाग्छ कहीं हामीलाई भुल्लाउने काम मात्रै त भएन?

Fracking: In Context to India

India ranks as the world’s 7th largest primary energy producer and the 5th largest energy consumer. With a population of 1.3 billion, the country’s energy…

दार्जीलिङ ब्लुज

प्रत्येक दिनखदुवा बन्दुक बोकेर एक हुल अस्सीको दशकहरूचोक बजार भएर गइरहेका छन्हतियार समर्पणको निम्ति। मोहब्बत गल्लीको भीड़माअस्ती नै हराइसकेका छन्लाल ढिकीमा डेली लाइन लाग्नेरङ्गीन जेरिकेन…

Siliguri-The Legitimate Claim Since the Old Gorkha Days

A question that anti-Gorkha elements have always triggered to counter Gorkha’s claim on Siliguri since the time of Left Front is, why should Siliguri be in Gorkhaland when 80 per cent of its population speaks Bengali? I decided not to halt unearthing the answer so easily after coming across an individual who said that this is an invalid claim of the community. To arrive at a proper conclusion, the most important of all the aspects would be to consider economy, demography and history.

Singo Darjeeling, A Quest or a Quandary?

After meeting Gorkhas from various corners of Eastern Himalayan states, looking at the glorious history of Darjeeling and associating it with them, one would be amazed how Darjeeling Hills spread over an area of little less than 2500 sq km has always come to the rescue of millions of Gorkhas living hundreds of miles away from mayalu pahad.

The Price of Dissent- Is Bengal Headed Towards Another President’s Rule?

“Dissent is a safety valve for democracy. If this safety valve is not allowed to function then the pressure cooker will burst said Justice D.Y. Chandrachud as a part of a three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice Dipak Misra who was hearing a case regarding the arrest of 5 human right activists in Mumbai. India’s constitutional democracy is predicated on the people’s right to call state power to account. Right to dissent is, therefore, the cornerstone of Democracy. Protests strengthen representative democracy.