Hills Deprived of Basic Requirements

Basic Requirements DarjeelingWater crisis in Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik is so acute

I don’t understand why people of Darjeeling hills don’t talk about their basic requirements like food, water, roads in hills with our representatives. I am Gorkha and Gorkhaland is in my heart too. But I want to know when will the leaders of hills learn to talk about our basic problems.

The water crises in hills is becoming grim day by day. I am the one who is victim of water shortage in Kalimpong. The water sources in hills have dried up. It’s becoming an struggle to get daily use water in hills.

The SMC in Siliguri provides water supply to each corners in town.Why is the Muncipality in hills are silent on this issue.

Chanting GORKHALAND will not only solve these issues. Even if we get state, if leaders of hills show this attitude, then where will common people will go?

I believe these basic issues gets hidden for the sake of statehood demand. But day to day struggle that I have faced for last one month has created hatred towards our leaders who only speak of development in hills but cannot provide even drinking water to people.

The only thing we hear is assurances and promises which is never fulfilled. I feel if this go on like this, people will suffer a great deal in future.

So my humble request to our leaders please look into this matter seriously and work to resolve our basic requirements. Otherwise a day will come, when our children will be left with no water and no sources too.

[Writes: Bikash Chhetri]

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