Society ‘Important’ for the Upliftment of Children

Gorkha Unemployed Primary Trained Teachers’ Organization (GUPPTTO) organized a social welfare & cultural programme at the open stage auditorium in Chowrasta on the 14th of January, 2018 themed on Human Trafficking, Child Labour and Child Act.

Mr. Rajeeb Tamang, Secretary of the GUPPTTO stated that the future of the children depended not only on the teachers and the children themselves but equally on the society where we live in. Everyone’s help and support is counted and matters to uplift children specially in the field of primary education. He reiterated that our children can and must take benefits of NCF, NCERT, RTE ACT and NCTE.

Senior poet/writer Mr. Norgyan Syangden, young poets Mr. Pravat Chiso Rai and Ms. Lubina Kritika Dahal, ICDS Executive Member Anu Chettri, Shree Ram Krishna, Primary Trained Teachers Institution Principal In-Charge Smt. Sandhya Rani Gurung, Mahendra Chhetri, Information and Culture Department Shri. Kumar Chettri, Painter Cookie from Madhya Pradesh, and around 200 children from Hayden Hall Winter Camp participated in the program.

A big thank you and kudos to GUPPTTO members for organising the program.

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