
Darjeeling Everyday: From Jhandi-Makut to Housie – Things we Lived for

Darjeeling Everyday is a delicious feeling. Here in Darjeeling, the festive seasons are almost to end and we are now at the best part of the entire season – the Tihar days. Everything about this time of the year is beautiful – bright sunny days, smiling mountains, milky white clouds (if any), delicious food, selrotis, flowers, vailo, dewsi, vai tika, dakshina, drinks and what not? If you get greeted by pleasant weather mixed with the aroma of saipatris added to a clear view of the mountains, you are here.

Some Diyas Away From Home

It was just like any other Diwali evening. It was past 6 pm and the sky was already starting to glitter of fireworks. The only…