MOUNTAINS AND MOLEHILLS: Abysmal Health Infrastructure in the Hills
Dear Editors, I have a not so good experience to share about dismal health facilities in our hills, and also have some rants to…
Dear Editors, I have a not so good experience to share about dismal health facilities in our hills, and also have some rants to…
The popular outrage over the naming of a proposed state University in Darjeeling hills “Greenfield”, had naturally outraged many. While some in the administration had…
“When the doormat says you are not welcome, know that it is just a doormat, not the door. When beyond the door someone says you…
Hill Students of Bidhan Chandra Krishi College (BCKC) in Mohanpur have been left outraged over the alleged misuse of the seat reserved for “hill tribes”…
कानूनी तौरा कमनमा नानीहरुको स्यारको निम्ति के्रच घरको स्पष्ट रुपमा सरकारी निर्देशिका रहेता पनि यसको कुनै प्रभाव छैन । काम गर्न गएका नानीका आमाहरु फोटको…
Monsoon evokes whole different feels here in our gorgeous hills. The explosion of colours, greenery, streams and rivulets raging wild, clean fresh air, and clearer…
Bijanbari police have arrested four local youths Lakhu Subba, Wangdi Tamang, Kamal Mothay and Bigesh Mothay all in their early 30’s, on charges of raping…
यो कहानी डुवर्सको अन्य एक करीमूलको हो । २४ वर्षीय युवतीले सम्पूर्ण वन वस्तीको स्वास्थ्यको जिम्मेवारी आफनु काँधमा लिएर गत १० वर्षदेखि लगातार यस सेवामा…
Jorebunglow police yesterday arrested a 49-year-old man Ramashankar Shah, on charges of raping a three-and-a-half-year-old girl baby girl, near Ghoom. According to locals, the man…
In the year 2007, Indian Railway Board’s policy division, under the then Congress-led United Progressive Alliance had constituted a review committee to examine the status…