विश्वकप फुटबल र हाम्रो सामाजिक स्तर
आधुनिक तकनिकी प्रगति नै धेर तुलनात्मक विषय देखिन्छ विश्वकप फुटबलको क्रमलाई सम्झँदा। सामाजिक प्रगतिलाई हेर्दै जाँदा हाम्रो पहाड़को विकास वा संवृद्धिलाई यो विश्वकपको विकाससित दाँज्नसकिन्छ…
आधुनिक तकनिकी प्रगति नै धेर तुलनात्मक विषय देखिन्छ विश्वकप फुटबलको क्रमलाई सम्झँदा। सामाजिक प्रगतिलाई हेर्दै जाँदा हाम्रो पहाड़को विकास वा संवृद्धिलाई यो विश्वकपको विकाससित दाँज्नसकिन्छ…
Taking a political stand, that is rarely seen in the hills these days, former GNLF Spokesperson and Legal Advisor Neeraj Zimba Tamang has spoken out…
Gorkhas Never Part of India? One of our readers, write This is to bring you to the light of a notification released in the website…
दार्जीलिङ नेपाली साहित्य इतिहासका अग्रज, प्रथम सम्पादक, प्रथम पाठ्य पुस्तक लेखक, प्रथम नेपाली पत्रकार, प्रथम नेपाली बाइबल अनुवादक, प्रथम नेपाली पादरी, गीतकार अनि भाषा मागॅदशॅक…
GJM Chief Bimal Gurung and Roshan Giri’s name have been removed from the voters’ list by the Darjeeling District Electoral Office (DEO) . This was…
“हुँदैन बिहान मिरमिरेमा दुइ चार तारा खसेर नगए बन्दैन मुलुक दुई चार सपूत मरेर नगए।” आफ्नो जननी जन्मभूमिको सुरक्षाको निम्ति सर्वस्व न्यौछावर गरी आफ्नो प्राणको…
In 2003, Sanjog Chhetri of 9 PARA (Special Forces) was awarded an ASHOKA CHAKRA posthomously. Yet, Sikkim his home state has refused to acknowledge him,…
Darjeeling is hands down the best place to be born in, and we say this with a conviction that finds its roots in our shared…
THENDUP NORBU Pradhan is a Hindu guy, with a Buddhist name, educated in a Christian missionary school, eats beef and is a Narendra Modi fan….
The recently concluded West Bengal police recruitment exam, came as a shocker to many. The questions were all set only in Bengali and Nepali. There…