Articles by Guest Author

-23.9% An Act of God ! What does it mean for us ???

In fact, China is the only major economy to have shown a 3.2 percent growth. India has registered the highest contraction among the top-10 economies in the world today. The consequences we see unfolding, one may trace back to the stringent lockdown measures adopted, which forced all manufacturing units to remain shut, while the country’s COVID cases count was merely 500.

NAR BAHADUR BHANDARI: “नेपाली भाषा आन्दोलनका अग्रणी सेनापति अनि भारतीय नेपाली भाषी गोर्खाहरूका अभिभावक अजेय नरबहादुर भण्डारी”

सजिलो थिएन नर बहादुर भण्डारीलाई सर्व भारतीय स्तरमा नेपाली भाषा मान्यताको निम्ति नेतृत्व गर्न अनि तिनी जान्दथे यस कार्यले तिनको विरोधीहरूद्वारा नाना थरीका आरोपहरू लगाएर तिनलाई सत्ताच्यूत पनि गर्न सक्छन् भनेर तर त्यसको किण्चित पर्वाह नगरी तिनी आफ्नो कार्यमा डटीरहे जसको फलस्वरूप १९९२ सालमा भारतको संसदद्वारा नेपाली भाषालाई संविधानको आठौं अनुसूचीमा अन्तर्भुक्त गर्न कर लाग्यो अनि नभन्दै नर बहादुर भण्डारी १९९४ को बिधान सभा चुनाउमा अल्पमतमा रहेर सत्ता पनि गुमाउनु पर्यो ।

Intolerance: असंवेदनशिल रूदेन लेप्चाको असंवेदनशिल बयान

जनताको शक्तिलाई नजर अन्दाज गर्ने नेताहरू अनि राजनीतिक पार्टीहरू चाहिँ जनताको हितमा कार्य नगरेर जातिय दंगा भडकाउने बयानबाजीमै सिमित रहने हो भने “हाम्रो दार्जिलिङ” सांप्रदायिक अस्थिरताको आगोले भस्म हुनु बेर छैन।

Bhikkhu Bodhipala – December 20, 1968 to July 27, 2020

Bhikkhu Bodhipala having grown up in Shillong, he well understood the importance of mainstreamitizing the North-East as well as forging a pan-Buddhist network between the various communities of practicing Buddhists scattered throughout different parts of North East India. From Arunachal Pradesh to Sikkim and Darjeeling to Assam to Kolkata and Chittagong, he worked tirelessly towards this end.

Latpanchar – Lessons in Citizen Science and Community Stewardship

The village community shares a deep connection with the surrounding forests and the biodiversity it harbours. They have been documenting the natural history of the region for several years now. Some tourist guides from Latpanchar have called for the need to design and implement strict tourism guidelines to ensure minimal disturbance to wildlife and promote ethical tourism practices.

7-reasons Why Bamboo Shoots Are Good for Our Health

A fresh bamboo shoot has significant amount of vitamins A, B6, C and E as well as calcium, potassium, niacin, iron, folate, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and thiamine. Shoots also contain phytochemicals such as lignans and phenolic acids which have anti-cancer, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Gorkhaland and The Kalimpong Massacre – July 27th, 1986

The Kalimpong Massacre is a pivotal moment in the history of Darjeeling, and literally marks the day when our beautiful, peaceful, silent, and tolerant hills lost its innocence. The anger which was given birth on July 27th, 1986… ended up engulfing all of the hills, Terai and Dooars. Thousands of youth lost their lives, thousands of mothers lost their sons and daughters, thousands of wives became widows and thousands of children became orphans.

Coping During a Pandemic: A Positive Psychology Perspective

We are currently facing the worst pandemic ever, the COVID19. Around late January 2020, we were just getting to know about a certain virus that has hit China, and little did we think it would be knocking our doors too. The World Health Organization announced the outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020 and declared it as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Since then numerous countries have reported thousands of cases and deaths and the number still continues to rise.

The Board Results – Embarking on a Journey

A week back, the results of different board exams (both 10th and 12th) were out, and many students have panned out with flying colours. I express my joy in your success and doff my hat with respect for the effort invested in the studies. The limelight that you have drawn as an outcome of your hard work is worth the endeavour. The result might have come as a relief, amidst the anxiety that looms large, and the hard times caused by COVID19.