
Mirik Lake (Sumendu Lake) is Turning into a Sewage Dump

Mirik Lake also known as the Sumendu Lake is probably the first such artificial lake in the entire Hills. Made to attract tourism, which it has been able to do, the lake has become one of the most popular tourist attractions in this region. Many people here in the hamlet are dependent on tourism, as Mirik neither has fertile soil for agriculture nor there being many other means of employment.

Kurseong Man Arrested on Sexual Assault on a Minor Charges

We have been informed that following the incident, the child narrated everything to her mother. The parents then went on to raise the issue with their neighbours, who shockingly chose to settle the case internally and to forgive the accused culprit.

Independence Day Glory – Samsing Fari Busty Shows the Way

India today completed its 75th Independence Day and as always, everything in India is a festival. Today was no different. Small villages, towns, urban centers celebrated this grand day with much fun fervor, and enthusiasm and Darjeeling hills were no different This Ground report is from one of India’s such villages where change is happening silently.

Fake CA Dupes Many in Darjeeling

What does it take to take up a fake persona? A little charm, lots of chutzpa, a calling card and fancy looking office and most important of all – gullible people, boat loads of them.

A Fake CA has duped many in Darjeeling – we are exposing him

Minor Male Child Raped – Accused Arrested

A shocking story of a 14-years-old minor male child raped by a 24-years-old man in one of the villages in the hill region of Darjeeling District has recently come to light. The culprit was arrested on the night of 21st June and sent into Judicial Custody, while the victim was also rescued and has been kept at a children’s home.

It was reportedly found during the investigations that the child wasn’t just raped by the said individual once, but on two separate occasions – the first time in April this year and the second time recently this month. It has been reported that the victim’s father had died while he was still very young and his mother didn’t stay with him. As such, he was living with his uncle, who has been taking care of him as his guardian.