Child Parliamentarians embark on their journey in Child-Led Advocacy

Children Parliament - Darjeeling

Darjeeling Regional Child Rights NGOs Network organized a two-day workshop on Advance Training in Child-Led Advocacy in collaboration with NINE IS MINE campaign, supported by World Vision Kalimpong. The parliament was held at Seva Kendra Siliguri (Darjeeling District).

Altogether, 50 child parliamentarians and their coordinators participated in the workshop and supported by 9 different organisations across North Bengal.

The Workshop focussed on imbibing the pillars of Child-led Advocacy amongst children with several interactive sessions and group discussions on Child Rights, including advocacy stories and stakeholder analysis through card games, ladder games, activities, and parliament models or child rights advocacy.

The sessions on advocacy were conducted through case study methodology where the child parliamentarians were given various issue to brainstorm and prepare case-study on issues like child marriage, child labour, and corporal punishment in schools etc. Based on these stories, the child parliamentarians were asked to design a child-led advocacy plan. Children discussed among their groups using different mediums to highlight issues like street play, rally, and letter to the authority, dance, and other activities. 

The theme of the workshop was designed based on NINE IS MINE Declaration which states, “We may not be voters, but we believe that the voices of children can be stronger than the votes of adults. It is necessary for us to speak up now, to secure our future.”

As beginning into the creation of a legacy of child-led advocates across North Bengal to carry forward the child initiative for, by and of the children.

The participants and their Co-ordinators who attended the Residential Workshop came from several places across North Bengal representing 9 organisations- Anugyalaya Darjeeling Social Service Society, World Vision India (Kalimpong & Siliguri), Darjeeling Mary Ward Society,  Seva Kendra Siliguri, CINI North Bengal, Edith Street Children Trust, Concern, Waasta, Hayden Hall. 

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Siddhi Gheewala & Rashi Moyra from Nine Is Mine, Delhi was the Resource persons. Special thanks to Tej Kumar Thapa, Child Protection Officer, and Prashansa Ghising Coordinator of Anugyalaya for the success of the workshop.

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