RJ Samir – Radio Salesian Journalist makes to India Book of Records

RJ SamirRJ Samir

TheDC team sends a warm ‘shout out’ to RJ Samir, a Radio journalist working with the first community radio in the Darjeeling Hills, who has found a place in the India Book of Records, on the 28 September 2020.

Program Coordinator and founder member of Radio Salesian, the first Nepali language broadcasting Community Radio in India, RJ Samir Chhetri, a native of Sonada has secured his place in the book of records.

The India Book of Records states, “RJ Samir is the first RJ of the first community radio run by a college in North Bengal and entire northeast India.”

“This recognition of RJ Samir is a matter of pride for our community radio and inspiration for younger radio journalists to make their mark,” says station director Fr. C.M. Paul.

Since the inception of Radio Salesian 90.8 FM in August 2016, RJ Samir has been its program coordinator of the first community radio run by the college broadcasting mainly in Nepali language.

Besides, training some 15 local Gorkha young men and women to be radio journalists working for the community of the Darjeeling Hills, RJ Samir has also trained 12 BA Mass  Communication students of Assam Don Bosco University Guwahati during the summer and winter breaks.

Samir started his career with Radio Misty in Gangtok and moved on to Kathmandu after which he worked with Radio Misty in Siliguri before joining Radio Salesian in August 2016.

He has also contributed towards our initiative to visualize some of our favourite Nepali language stories and folktales, through out TheDC Story Series हाम्रा कथाहरु

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Radio Salesian is run by Salesian College Sonada established in Gorabari village in 1938.

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