Shout Out to Evergreen English School, Pokhrebung – For Not Charging Fees for the Gorkhaland Andolan Shut Down Period

Students at Evergreen English School, Saneytar, Pokhrebung.

TheDC team sends our warmest “Shout Out” to Evergreen English School, situated at Sangeytar in Pokhrebung valley, for not charging school fees for the duration during which the Gorkhaland agitation caused the entire region to shut down for 104 days.

While almost all private schools charged fees, Evergreen English School stands morally taller for considering the precarious financial condition of the hill people, and refusing to charge school fees for the same.

Hamro Khabar has quoted Principal Umesh Pradhan as saying, “our school was shut due to the strike called for the Gorkhaland statehood movement, not a single student came to study, nor did any teachers… and even though other schools in GTA took fees for the strike period, we decided to not collect the fees considering how difficult it was for everyone… including the parents of our students.”

This incredible gesture of understanding, compassion and kindness is what is so severely lacking in our hills. We sincerely hope, that all other schools and their teachers will be inspired by the Evergreen School management.

Take a bow folks!! You guys have earned it!!




SEE ALSO:  Featuring Ms. Hemlata Pradhan

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