
International Plastic Free Day and the Himalayan Cleanup Campaign 2021 – A Brief Analysis.

“The Himalayan Cleanup from Home-2021” campaign was attended by about 184 participants who have successfully submitted data and waste audit report on five days of total household waste category, degradable or non-degradable waste forms, various category of plastic and successfully audited the various types brands and manufacturers of plastic waste. Participants in the first phase were from the Himalayan states and Union Territories of India viz. Nagaland, West Bengal (mainly Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Siliguri), Meghalaya, Ladakh, Sikkim, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Tripura.

The Mountains Are Crying

Phew!!! The election fever in the hills has never been so colorfully, dramatized magnified in the agenda of the Election Campaign The good feeling of wellness swelled in each heart as the hills were telescoped from the national and state capital, eminent statesmen, celebrities, and even hookers flooded our vales and dales. Foes turned into friends, friends into foes, but for the first time in decades, politicking pushed the perennial demand of Gorkhaland to the periphery of the poll campaign. My priority is not in such details for I have long ceased to comprehend the political evolution of the hills for that matter not even the tools of the greatest contemporary social scientist would be able to figure out that.

Tea Tourism – Another form of exploitation

We welcome tea tourism policy whole heartily with the adequate enforcement of standard protocols and norms on the allocable vacant land without zero compromise in the plantation area. As specified, the prime objective of the policy is “to enhance investment for generating employment opportunities for the local community for their inclusive sustainable economic development and prosperity without any hindrance to the social-fabric and ecology.” We wish our region to flourish into prosperity however development at the verge of risks of lives, loss of property and damage to environment will not tolerated be at all.

Dead Fishes Create a Stink in Mirik

Yesterday, a few social media pages has posted news of dead fishes in Mirik lake and speculations had ran rife as to the cause of these fish deaths. While the famous Mirik lake has seen its share of deaths due to pollution in the past, this time around though, the cause of deaths has created a definitive political stink.

Devithans of Sikkim Himalaya: A Cultural Embodiment

Devithans provide a fertile ground to testify for the rich cultural and biological diversity of the Himalayan region. The embedded belief system in societies lays the foundation of sacred sites which often evokes awe and reverence among the local people.