Assistant Teachers Appointment – Who Do We Blame?

Recently, the West Bengal Central School Service Commission released the interview and the final vacancy list related to the 1st SLST [AT] 2016 for the requirement to the post of Assistant Teachers Appointment at Upper Primary Level of schools [Expect work and Physical Education].

The Chairman GTA Relief Fund Should Be Put to Good Use

At this crucial phase, the GTA Relief Fund can’t be ignored and forgotten. The fundraising campaign was a phenomenal drive under the leadership of the honorable GTA Chairman during the first wave of the pandemic. The fund as per the official record is a whopping amount of Rs – 2,10,16,036 in which the chairman himself committed to adding the equal sum of amount for the appropriate utilization to deal with this pandemic. With the additional share the Fund is supposed to be above 4.20( Four Crore twenty lakhs plus) now.

Kalimpong MLA’s Developmental Priorities and Parameters Are Disturbing

However, what comes as a very sad surprise just after 2 days of results being declred is Kalimpong MLA elect Mr. Ruden Lepcha’s statement explaining his ‘developmental priorities and parameters’. He explicitly made it clear that he met all the necessary people inside his party and the GTA to express his decision that he would work exclusively for the booths and samastys where he had won majority of the votes, while for those where he had lost heavily, he would keep their development work on hold. He called it as “justice of work” in terms of his service.

बिमल गुरूङको राजनैतिक अवसान

‘आज केही त हुनेवाला छ।’ रोङ्गोबाट मनोज बोगटीले बिहानै फेसबुकमा स्टाटस लेखे। स्वाभाव अनुसार हुटहुटी शुरू भइहाल्यो। दस बजेदेखि उता हुटहुटी रोकेर राख्न नसकेपछि उनलाई…

बिमल गुरूङको आत्मसमर्पण: कति गोर्खा हितमा कति व्यक्तिगत स्वर्थ?

  “१० मार्च २०१० सम्ममा गोर्खाल्याण्ड ल्याईन भने म आफ्नै निधारमा गोली ठोक्नेछु।” “म जहाँ रहेता पनि आफ्नो जाति, माटो र गोर्खाको आकांक्षा-गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति लडीरहेको…

Exposing Hypocrisy: बंगाल सरकारकै शरणमा बसेर मुद्दासँग छौँ भनेर यदि कसैले भन्छ भने त्यो वाहियात लाग्न सक्छ । 

बंगाल सरकारकै शरणमा बसेर मुद्दासँग छौँ भनेर यदि कसैले भन्छ भने त्यो वाहियात लाग्न सक्छ । यहाँको वर्तमान सत्ता जतिसक्दो कुनै पनि अन्य व्यवस्था अथवा केन्द्रको सुधार प्रक्रिया पहाड नभित्रीउन भन्ने पक्षमा छन् । यदि कुनै अन्य दल हुनु हो भने पनि त्यो दलको स्तर यहाँबाट माथी उठ्ने अपेक्षा बेकार जान्थ्यो । मुद्दाको अवस्था सुध्रिनु नसक्नुको मुख्य कारण दलहरुको यहि स्वार्थपरक सत्तामुखी सोच हो ।

Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Review Meeting – A Political Masterstroke or a Bureaucratic Gaffe?

After a hard fought andolan of 4-years from 2007 to 2011, finally the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration Agreement was signed between the Center, WB Govt and GJM representatives. The invitation, specifically to GJM is clearly for the resumption of the dialogue from where the center had left it in 2011. The File Number at the top of the letter, F.NO. 12013/01/2011-SR is a dead giveaway. In probability the invitation wasn’t sent to other political parties, as they were not a part of the GTA Agreement.

Post Bodo Pact, All Eyes on How Centre Deals with Gorkhaland Issue

As the news of a settlement between the government of India and various factions of Bodo groups started to trickle in, there was much curiosity in Darjeeling hills – home to another demand for the separate state — Gorkhaland. Even though parallels can be drawn between the two, the demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland supersedes that of Bodoland by decades, and the unique geographical positioning of Darjeeling hills, Terai and Dooars, makes it one of the most cosmopolitan and at the same time one of the most vulnerable regions in India.