TheDC was born ON 18th of Nov, 2013 . It was born at a tumultuous time, when the West Bengal government had banned all local news outlets following the Gorkhaland Andolan of 2013, and we did not have a collective platform reporting on local issues, from local perspectives. The narratives about our place, our people and the perspective about Gorkhas were being shaped by news that were mostly being reported from Kolkata, which were predominantly devoid of grounded truths

In the past 12-years, like a little kid growing up, we have seen Darjeeling Chronicle – the platform you all have cared for, shared, criticized, scolded, but above all loved – GROW.

As TheDC platform enters its teenage years, we take pride in the fact that today, thanks to your love and support, it has become the platform we had hoped it would become – the carrier of Gorkha voices.

We thank all the readers who have been with us since our journey began. We thank all those who have associated with us – helped us grow – those who have contributed articles, poems, stories, news, views, criticisms, complaints and even missing people’s reports. Those who have helped design our websites, to those who volunteered to make our graphics and edit videos. TheDC is a labour of love, and all associated with it have contributed to the platform voluntarily – this is why we can afford to be so fiercely independent.

It is said that the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. So here’s our tip of the hat to those, who have hated TheDC platform and what it stands for. Because even in not liking us or what we post, you, through your criticisms, let us know that you care.

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We extend our heartfelt gratitude and a special note of thanks to three amazing lawyers, who have protected us against the tyranny of law – Senior Adv. Anand Bhandari Sir, Adv. Roshni Rai, and Adv. Mayank Bhandari. It is because of them, we have been able to report without fear. Though we haven’t reported it, but multiple frivolous cases have been filed against us, and it is only because of them, we have been able to fight those cases in the courts. We are also grateful to Adv Yogesh Diyali and Adv Samundra M Pradhan for helping us out in our times of need.

To our core team members – you guys are the rock, which allows TheDC platform to stand tall.

Most important of all, WE THANK YOU – our dear readers, who have stood with us, supported us and trusted us.

It is your love and our love for Darjeeling that keeps us going.

“In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.” – from Invictus

Jai Gorkha, Jai Gorkhaland.


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