Study Fare Helps Hill Students Make Up Lost Days

A college in the hills which lost 104 days due to Gorkhaland agitation (June-September 2017) held 3-day study fare as immediate preparation for the upcoming send-up test in preparation for April-May university exams. Over 500 students belonging to 12 departments participated in the event held from 1st to 3rd March 2018.

“Study fare is a unique experiment we devised to help students make immediate preparation for the selection test being held next week,” says Campus Coordinator at Salesian College Sonada, Dr Terence Mukhia who conceived the idea.

The sessions lasted five hours each day, from 10 am to 3 pm.

Each day started in the auditorium with a brief meditation lead by Principal Dr George Thadathil and a brief motivational talk.

“It is a matter of pride that we are engaging in an experiment that no college in the hills has attempted,” said Dr Thadathil complimenting students and faculty engaged in the experiment.

On the first day, Dr Mukhia presented the study fare concept which consists of a “collective effort by teachers and students to catch up with syllabus – overview, preparation and sharing of notes as well as exposure to the university question bank.”

Students and faculty met in their respective departments to go over the syllabus and complete study notes in groups.

“It was a wonderful experience for everyone,” said Student Council President Aswin Tamang 3rd year student from History Department, “as we worked in cooperation to finish off our pending notes.”

First-year student Ragini Chettri from Sociology Department felt that “the carts and presentations prepared during the study fare will serve as materials to help us do well in our exams.”

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Mass Communication first-year student Iqra Ahmed was thankful when she said, “our teachers were very patient with us and stayed with us through it all. They helped us clear our concepts.”

“I am overwhelmed by the enthusiasm both students and faculty members exhibited to complete the study fare experiment,” said new faculty member Shiba Khatoon.

1 Comment on "Study Fare Helps Hill Students Make Up Lost Days"

  1. Is it “fare” or fair ?

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