Articles by TheDC News Desk

To Quarantine or not to Quarantine – The Anit Binay Conundrum

But, to quarantine or not to, is more of a moral question and not a question of simple enforcement alone. Kolkata is one of the hottest COVID zones in India, so naturally, people should be cautious after travelling to the city. If we are requiring our own brothers and sisters coming from these cities to remain in mandatory quarantine, what exempts Mr. Anit and Mr. Binay? What makes them COVID proof?

Dibya Chettri – Talent in the Midst

To be born with conviction, of what you want to do or be, is both a blessing and a curse. The majority of us do not know, many ever, what is it that we want to achieve in life. For most of us the ‘PURPOSE’ of our life remains ever elusive. Even for those who know exactly what they want to do or be in life, many may not be able to live their dream because of numerous constraints and pressures.

Karnell Villa School – The Tragedy

In December 2014, we had uploaded an opinion piece about Karnell Villa school which was one of the oldest primary schools in Darjeeling. Today as the focus shifts there once again we are reproducing it.

Sujai Lama – One of India’s best Rugby players

Born in a troubled city, in a troubled time – Sujai Lama decided to rise above his struggles and the daily grind. There have been many sporting greats from amongst us, who have made it big at the national and international level – but no one, as far as we know, has worked this hard… and come this far… and yet remained so obscure that the amazing story of his struggles and sporting legacy has remained out of the public view till today.