Articles by TheDC News Desk

Rape of a 6-Year-Old Leaves a Community Devastated in Rural Darjeeling

Darjeeling is one of the safest places for a woman in India, but people in a rural village here are devastated today after news about rape of a 6-year-old baby girl came to fore. What is most heinous about this crime is the fact that the perpetrator who confessed to his crime is a 51-year-old teacher.

TheDC Story Series – “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 11: ख्रीष्टमसमा परिस्थितिले

TheDC Story Series “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 11 – As we had informed earlier, we have tied up with RJ Samir – Samir Gideon Ghimire, to bring to you 12 Nepali stories – 1 story a month, in the audio-pictorial format under our series हाम्रा कथाहरु. We are doing this to make our Nepali literature more popular among younger generations, and also among those who may never have read a Nepali story before.

Darjeeling Court Sentences Man to Death in a Rape and Murder of 11-yr-old Child in Naxalbari

On November of 2014, a father was in a rush to go to the temple and told his 11-year-old daughter to hurry. For the father-daughter duo this was an everyday routine, two of them would go to the temple together and head back home. That day, the father had to run errands and the daughter was slightly delayed, so he went ahead. He waited for his daughter to show up at the temple but she didn’t. Around 11 AM when he finally came home, his daughter wasn’t around. When his daughter didn’t come back for the longest time, he started to panic and went around asking. It was almost like his daughter had vanished. A search ensued.

TheDC Story Series – “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 10: पश्चाताप

TheDC Story Series “हाम्रा कथाहरु” Episode 10 – As we had informed earlier, we have tied up with RJ Samir – Samir Gideon Ghimire, to bring to you 12 Nepali stories – 1 story a month, in the audio-pictorial format under our series हाम्रा कथाहरु. We are doing this to make our Nepali literature more popular among younger generations, and also among those who may never have read a Nepali story before.


The Rock & Roll and Hard Rock scene set by amazing bands such as The Hillians, Extreme Moderation, Turquoise and Jade, The Diamonds, Prism, Forbidden Fruit, Magnum Opus, Pralay was later followed by bands like Rusty Nails, the US Band (where US is short for Unity of Souls) among others, makes Darjeeling the leading light of Rock music in India. Following on the footsteps of these greats, is an up and coming band from our hills “The Invasion”.

SHOCKING – Hotel Ramada Management Accused of Sexual Assault

In a very alarming case, a sexual assault attempt was allegedly made against a lady staff of Ramada Hotel, Darjeeling by senior staff of the same hotel on the 14th of October. The girl, who is around 23-years-old, and a resident of Darjeeling had been associated with the hotel for the last one-and-a-half-years as housekeeping staff.