Let Gorkhaland Come Into Existence
Writes: Neel Preet* Gorkhaland, the demand for this new state has now gained much attention in the National Politics of India. And if one turns…
Writes: Neel Preet* Gorkhaland, the demand for this new state has now gained much attention in the National Politics of India. And if one turns…
Parshu Dahal’s debut collection of short stories. 2017. Patridge Publishing “A short-story writer should be brave. It’s a sad fact to acknowledge, but that’s the…
Writes: Jyoti Thapa Mani The spirits settled on the branches of the trees around the house. During the day, they were vacuous nothings held in…
Writes: Sangay Tamang It is no coincide to write something so commonly and regularly practised in every public department in our country that put common people…
गणतन्त्रको सम्मान गर्नुपूर्व विगतले कुत्कुत्यायो। एकछिन म सपनामा अल्झिएँ। अनि मनमा भावना खेल्न थाले– हो, समयले लामो कालखण्डसँग अनेकौँ आशाका पाना पल्टायो, परिवर्तनका सिँढीका उक्लिएको…
Indian scientists have found a new use for plastic waste – for decontamination of water Recycling is the only option to handle plastic waste at…
जाग्दै सुस्ताउदै फेरी जाग्ने हाम्रो प्रबृत्तिलाई खेलाँईची नगर है तिमीहरू……! थाहा छ के हामीहरू जागेको बेला थ_र_र_र तिमीहरू काँमेको भूलेको छैनौं नि फेरी हामीले ।…
The GJM led by Bimal Gurung declared a total shutdown in the hills. The shutdown lasted for 104 days. The Gorkhaland movement is older than…
Writes: Phurba Euthempo(Bhutia) We, an Indian Gorkha a permanent citizen of India where a freedom of speech is a Constitutional Rights. Since many decades we had…
Writes: Shivani Kshirsagar (Disclaimer: Following is a work of reality. Readers are requested to read at their discrimination, and accordingly judge their disposition.) “Yeh yeh,…