Clarification to an Answer to a Student’s Question of Lord Buddha in Meerut, India. From His Holiness the Dalai Lama Office.

His Holiness in Nepal

Given the recent unfounded controversy that arose in Nepal, due to misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the statement made by HH The Dalai Lama, his office has issued the following clarification

“It has been brought to our attention that media reports in Nepal have queried a reference His Holiness the Dalai Lama made to Lord Buddha’s background while answering questions from students in Meerut, India on 16 October 2017.

We are concerned to know there was misunderstanding of the intent of his answer, and would like to clarify that His Holiness meant no disrespect towards his Nepalese brothers and sisters. Like Buddhists everywhere, he wholeheartedly accepts that the Buddha’s birthplace was Lumbini. What he wanted to emphasize in contemporary terms is the importance of understanding what the Buddha taught and the scope of his influence throughout Asia. It is universally acknowledged that India, the land of the Noble Ones, is where the Buddha achieved enlightenment and subsequently gave profound teachings.

We trust that this clears up any misunderstanding or misapprehension.”

SEE ALSO:  अलिपुरद्वार भाजपा सांसद जोन बारला - Inspirational

18 Comments on "Clarification to an Answer to a Student’s Question of Lord Buddha in Meerut, India. From His Holiness the Dalai Lama Office."

  1. Dalai Lama is a political leader and he made this statement to please an indian establishment . Buddha was neither Indian nor Nepalese in a sense of nationality . Shame on him .

    • Hay idiots how you doing comment without knowing the proper information of The 14th Dalai Lama,he is not more political from last couples of years.he is just a peace messenger of this unstable world and a buddhastava and a preserver of the great Nalanda Indian tradition of Buddhist university. which is the first and oldest university in this planet.

    • Hello sir
      I read your comments . It’s really make me felt so bad . His holiness is only person who is very well know about Buddhism. So he is not gonna say anything wrong . But people from Nepal took it as misunderstanding . So you better mind your language before you write something on social media . His holiness is always care about humanity and global peace . So stop blame other .

  2. This doesn’t justify the sentiments which was hurt by Dalai Lama. If Dalai Lama has hurt the sentiments of Nepalese, then its his responsibility to clarify the statement and his office.
    And i have question that Dalai Lama is like a guru or any respective person who has lived his whole life following Lord Buddha’s path and he is saying the words that is taught by the person on suit behind him. Is Dalai Lama poking Nepalese to go against India when it is all going well now????

  3. *not his office on 2nd line.

  4. So Why he said that Buddha is Indian Origenm

  5. One of the most great teacher of H H Khenze Rimpoche who stablish the monastry of Thupten Choling in Solu khumbu upper junbesi when he escape from Tibet under Chinese occupation he came in nepal and stablish there not in India why? Because he knows well that Lord Buddha was born in nepal. He wanted to spent his life in the great land of Buddha Nepal.

  6. Thelai (dalai) lama can’t be called HH rather he is a politician who knows what and only care what his audience wants to hear.

  7. Lord Buddha was universally known as Indian.It is factual nobody deny about it, he studied, meditate,englightent, taught and finally He was pass away in India.Lumbini became part of Nepal much later, that doesn’t proof Buddha was from Nepal, instead Buddha himself mentioned India. But bottomline is His Holiness is world’s advocate of Buddha’s teaching, it’s because of him now days many becoming buddhist and thus they come to Lumbini, it is Napali who is also gaining popularity.It is easy to put a blame on other,but mojority our Nepali bother and sisters are calm and understood the meaning,but not the one who wanted to gain some publicity by insulting world’s most influential religious leader. Long Live His Holiness.Million of people worldwide is with you.

  8. If dalai lama look at the ancient world while making statement about lord buddha then why dont he considers the histry of tibet which was ruled by different kings/different emperors back in the ancient time….?? unless he or his tribe withdraw their/his so called agenda “free tibet” they shouldn’t (they have no rights) make/contempt such statements about nepal or lord buddha … #WITHOUTBUDDHA_YOU_ARE_NOTHING_DALAILAMA…. #STOPGIVINGSPEECHABOUTANCIENTWORLD #SHAME_ON_YOU_CRAP

    • Hello Himal adai n rest of the narrow minded people with limited knowledge,you bloody idiots need to educate yourself first,people like you r just a shit who need to be flushed right away before your shitty smell spread everywhere and contimanate entire room…

  9. I don’t care where the Buddha is born india or nepal..message of Buddha is love and compassion love yr neighbours..people need to grow their mind and grow up big adult kids…

  10. if you want to discuss about Buddhist no (Krishna raju pratap) those who are not Buddhist have no rights to talk about Lord Buddha… mount Kailash is in Tibet doest that mean Lord Shiva is Tibetan….hahaha

  11. Mr kapil…Are you gone mad??you nonsense idiot..what you knoe about must be anti Buddhism..thats why you dare to give such bad comment against his will surely go to hell….

  12. Phuntsok choedon | November 27, 2017 at 1:53 PM | Reply

    Dear Nepalese brother and sister. Lord Buddha was born in the territory of Nepal called lumbini, but he was an Indian whose kingdom was once called kapilavastu. Rather stressing on his birthplace, kindly stress on Lord Buddha teaching which is preserved and carting forward sincerely and purely by his holiness the Dalai Lama in this degenerate time. If a Nepalese child is born in USA while visiting for some purpose, that child’s birth certificate might depict born in USA but his origin with clearly stat his parents origin, which is Nepalese. Thank u dear friend Nepalese for ur kind heartedness toward Buddhism.

  13. Goutam Buddha was born in Nepal… Dnt cntrovrsy..about it.. Whatever his orgin..He born in Nepal thn his nationality is Nepali.. Ok.. A tamil norn in srilanka it doesnot means that he is a indian. There is no doubt that buddhas origin was Aryan its doesnt means that he is an indian. A number of minimum 80 lakh indian origin is in nepali nationality. Ok

  14. Om mane medme hung…HH Dalai lamala Kyabsu Che…

  15. Siddhārtha was born in Lumbini but Buddha was born in India.

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