TheDC team sends our warm “Shout Out” to the members of Jagriti Youth Club, Lower Shiva Gram Darjeeling for donating Rs. 10,100 to the Hope Old Age Home Rohini.
They collected the funds by organizing a small program on the 23rd of December, 2018, and all the proceeds from the program which amounted to Rs 10,100 was donated by them to Hope Old Age Home Rohini.
Members of Jagriti Youth Club have also organized health and education program, and a medical camps in the past, and they want to continue taking up social causes that are close to their hearts.
This “Darjeeling Spirit” of caring for those who are less fortunate than us, is what sets us apart from others. We are so thankful to see that our Youths are taking the lead in caring for those who need our help and support.
We hope other youths will also learn from them, and take up a social cause that they can take care of and fulfill their duty towards our community and country throughout the year.
Take a bow Jagriti Youth Club members!! you all have earned it!!

Jagriti Youth Club, Lower Shiva Gram Darjeeling with Hope Old Age Home Residents
[With inputs and pics from: Pujan Chettri]
We’ll done! Keep up the good efforts and work!