Search Results for Darjeeling

Digital Divide across the Hills – Darjeeling and Sikkim

The role of education is not only to train the students for a living but for life. For years, education has only been used as a standardizing factor and not as a factor for liberating the self. This COVID19 pandemic has shaken the entire globe and we have been seeing the repercussions of lockdown in every sector including education. All sectors are trying their best to stay afloat and digital platform has acted as an oar to help row in this chaotic storm of events.

COVID19, Water Scarcity and Unsafe Mass of Darjeeling Hills

World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) States that “Respiratory viruses like coronavirus disease (COVID19) spreads when mucus or droplets containing virus gets into your body through eyes, nose or throat. Most often, this happens through hands. During such a global pandemic one of the cheapest, easiest and most important way to prevent the spread of a virus is to wash your hands frequently with soap and water.

1986, Lockdown in Darjeeling – Down the Memory Lane

The word “quarantine”, takes me back to 1986 when I was a little girl during the Gorkhaland agitation in Darjeeling. A 40-day strike was declared, which meant a lockdown with no movement of vehicles, no movement of people, rationing of essentials and no schools – a dream come true for us, children and the worse nightmare for parents. While it wasn’t exactly like being caught in a health pandemic, but it has its similarities – working from home, no schools, restriction on transport and the worst one – stocking up on essentials.

Singo Darjeeling, A Quest or a Quandary?

After meeting Gorkhas from various corners of Eastern Himalayan states, looking at the glorious history of Darjeeling and associating it with them, one would be amazed how Darjeeling Hills spread over an area of little less than 2500 sq km has always come to the rescue of millions of Gorkhas living hundreds of miles away from mayalu pahad.