
President’s Rule in Bengal – Possibilities and Implications

As tempting as it might be for the Center to implement President’s rule, they will in all likelihood wait out for this storm to pass, much like how they waited for Gorkhaland agitation to simmer down. As far as BJP central leadership is concerned, they seem to be in mood to give Mamata any toe hold.

NB Rai Sir No More

NB Rai sir was the Former Vice-principal, at the St.Josephs’ College. He has also authored the book on Physical Science which has been widely used in schools across the region. All his life, he contributed not only as a teacher, but also as a social worker and provided inspiration to all those who came in contact with him.

Sahitya Akademi Awards – Loknath Upadhyay Chapagain

” हाम्रो आफ्नो राज्य हुँदा हाम्रो आफ्नो अस्मिता, हाम्रो चिनारी, हाम्रो परिचय यहाँ स्थायीरूपले हुन्छ भन्ने हामी सोंच्दछौ । तर जसको राज्य छैन जस्तै संस्कृत, इंग्लिश या हिंदी । हिंदी पनि सर्वभारतीय भाषा हो । त्यसको आफ्नो राज्य छैन । तैपनि यो भाषा को मूल्याङ्कन त्यति माथि हुनुको अर्थ हो – त्यो भाषा धनी छ । हाम्रो भाषा पनि धनी छ तर हामी कति धनी छौं? हामीले आफ्नो भाषालाई कति चिन्दछौं जान्दछौं र अरूलाई कति चिनाएका छौं भन्ने कुरा हामीले सोंच्ने पर्ने बेला आएको छ ।”