
Assistant Teachers Appointment – Who Do We Blame?

Recently, the West Bengal Central School Service Commission released the interview and the final vacancy list related to the 1st SLST [AT] 2016 for the requirement to the post of Assistant Teachers Appointment at Upper Primary Level of schools [Expect work and Physical Education].

No Country for the Unconnected – Students Suffer (Online Classes) Due to Lack of Access to Networks in North Bengal

“Online Classes” was a term added to the popular lexicon after the COVID pandemic forced schools and colleges across the country to shut down. Today almost everything is being done online – schooling, office work, meetings, and sometimes even wedding ceremonies. The digital world is a great equalizer, it provides equal opportunities for all, as long as they are connected to the network. Tragically for the majority of students from Darjeeling hills, Terai, and Dooars accessing the network itself is a battle, they keep on losing. Other than those lucky few who live in towns, or on the right side of the mountain where network signals are strong, the majority of the people from rural regions here do not have access to cellular networks.

Kalimpong MLA’s Developmental Priorities and Parameters Are Disturbing

However, what comes as a very sad surprise just after 2 days of results being declred is Kalimpong MLA elect Mr. Ruden Lepcha’s statement explaining his ‘developmental priorities and parameters’. He explicitly made it clear that he met all the necessary people inside his party and the GTA to express his decision that he would work exclusively for the booths and samastys where he had won majority of the votes, while for those where he had lost heavily, he would keep their development work on hold. He called it as “justice of work” in terms of his service.

The True Colours of GNLF – We Cannot Forget

The history of Darjeeling and Kalimpong hills is just not about the toy train, timber, and tea but it is also about its dark tryst with cold-blooded murders, unsolved and unresolved till date, swept under the carpet by those who did it and those who supported it.

Dream of Gorkhaland – Through a Standpoint of Major Hill Resources

It is very embarrassing and heart wrenching for me to get sarcastic remarks being an Indian Nepali or Gorkha in the rest part of Indian soul. Living away from the cold mountain air and friendly own community of the hill for Postgraduate and M.Phil. Studies did come across many times with such sarcastic remarks as Chinese because of having ‘Chimso’ eyes and “How Nepali language while living in Bengal!” considered as some bitter remarks are the inner pains of the Indian Gorkha who resides plains or rest part of Indian soil.

A Betrayed Queen and the Union Territory of Darjeeling

Often described as the Queen of the Hills for its stunning natural beauty, complemented by the world-famous and UNESCO world heritage – the Himalayan Railway, also holding an intoxicating political history the Darjeeling hills does not fail to mesmerize the tourists as well as the scholars. It is sad but not surprising that the Queen of the Himalayas has always been a victim of political betrayal (Dhoka) and there is neither a “ Queen” like leader, nor a permanent “Hills” like solution to achieve its true potentials.