
Cinchona and Tea Garden Workers Facing Grave Problems Due to Mismatch in Aadhar, EPF, and UAN Numbers

सिन्कोना(Cinchona) अनि चिया बगान श्रमिकहरुको (E.P.F) भविष्य निधि कोषको आफ्नु(U.A.N) Universal Account Number संग आफ्नु आधार कार्ड संख्य Link नभएमा उक्त, श्रमिकहरुको मासिक कटौती ई,पी,एफ धनराशी 01 जुन 2021 देखि आफ्नु कोषमा जम्मा नहुने सरकार द्घारा अधिकारीक आदेश आए वापत सिन्कोना अनि चियाबारीको हजारौं श्रमिकहरु मार्कमा परेको छन् !

My space over a cup of Tea

When looked at it from a sociological perspective, even a simple cup of tea helps build a web of social relationships, which eventually helps to understand a person, pattern the social relationships follow over a cup of tea and finally how a simple cup of tea contributes to the larger society.

Cup of Tea

When I wake up this morning, the thirst for drinking cuppa made me look at my kitchen-shelf and found out that my tea container was nearly empty. I thought, will ask some tea leaves from my neighbour then it occurred on my mind that they have been on home quarantine for almost a week. Since we are tackling this apocalyptic situation venturing outside just for one particular supply deemed not as essential. So reckoning, what will be of my next tea time, I prepared for now with some left-over tea leaves which I enjoyed immensely as it was my last deoch an doris.

ग्रीन टी – Green Tea

ग्रीन टी – Green Tea राती ताप्केमै छाडेकोहाते चियाको बासी छोकराअलिकति पानी थपिएपछिएकपल्ट फेरि उम्लन्छ भुलुक-भुलुकचाल्नीबाट छिर्दै बगेको झरनालेबनाउँछ कलाईको मगमा सुन्दर तलाउअनि शुरू हुन्छ…