THANK YOU DARJEELING – For Motivating Camellia School Students

A few days ago, we had posted a note requesting you all to visit Camellia School, as the students and teachers there had worked very hard to collect information and data about our community, place and our history.

Here is a happy note of thanks from their principal Ms Shivangi Hamal Rai.

“We are pleased to report that our House project was a roaring success and would like to thank you for promoting the event.

There was a large turnout and the feedback we received was tremendous, a huge motivation to put up more work in the future. We are most pleased that heads of other schools, seasoned educationists like Mr Cutinho, resource persons from DLR Prerna, Tabernacle Kalimpong, ATREE, as well as students and Department Head Smriti Rai of Mass Comm St Josephs College, and our local Samaj members, parents and a few tourists also graced the event.

We were very happy to share our research and work with everyone.

Our student documentaries will be available for viewing on our Youtube channel camelliaschool1980 as well.”

The students in our hills are extremely talented, and all they need is encouragement and exposure.

We thank all of you who provided that to these students, we are sure, your kind gesture will inspire them to take on greater responsibilities in the coming days.


SEE ALSO:  Violence Should Have No Place In Darjeeling – Be It By Those Demanding Gorkhaland Or The State

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