Thank You Folks – We Are 150,000 Strong Today

Thank You Folks - We Are 150,000 Strong Today

Thank You so so so very much folks… thank you for the incredible LOVE…

Thanks to all of your support, care, concerns, suggestions, criticisms and above all TRUST… that have helped us to grow and strengthen from 0 to 150,000 likes in 4 years. It may not seem like much, but to us, it displays your love and trust manifesting in such an incredible way.

Thanks to all of you, we have grown from strength of strength, and despite attempts at shutting us down, we have only grown stronger.

In this past year, we started our website: which we have dedicated to all the incredible people like you who have inspired, and continue to inspire us on a daily basis.

As we have said in our ‘About’ section, “information is power, let us make sure we share this power with everyone!!”

Thanks to all of your encouragement, help and support TheDC has transformed from just a Facebook based news page; to a platform that marks the silent revolution taking place amongst our people to educate each other about our rights, our wrongs and our past, present and the future.

Our aim to develop a platform for sharing the most important, relevant and up to date news, views and issues relating to Darjeeling, Kurseong, Kalimpong, Mirik, Bijanbari, Sikkim, Siliguri, Terai and Dooars, news relating to the greater North East community and the Gorkhalis all across the world, with as many people as possible is gradually being realized. We are hopeful, our efforts are enabling our people to make informed decisions, and choices.

SEE ALSO:  Happy New Year!!!

Thanks to all of your support.

We also take this opportunity to apologize to all our readers, who may have been antagonized with us for one reason or the other… please do know that we take all of your comments and criticisms very seriously and they help us to grow.

We THANK those Newspapers and Journalists who have allowed us to use their news… it is because of them, we are able to connect better with you all.

We THANK all our VOLUNTEERS, contributors and partner organizations – DT, VoS, ILS, MKSF, TDT, ST, SC, SE without whose help we would not be here today. We look forward to your continued support.



NOTE: Please note that TheDC is a purely volunteer run initiative and till date we haven’t made a single rupee through our page or website. All costs incurred have been shared by our team members so far, however in the coming days we will have to introduce an advertisement section, as running a website is costly, and we want the site to be self-sustaining. We look forward to your continued support and encouragement.

1 Comment on "Thank You Folks – We Are 150,000 Strong Today"

  1. Debi Charan Sharma | June 18, 2018 at 7:10 PM | Reply

    Dear DC,
    You were there, to survive the tyranny where almost all collapsed, that’s the reason we lived an undying hope, the hope of GORKHALAND. Congratulations!
    — DCSharma.

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