Rukmani, A Living Martyr of Gorkhaland.


Who is this Rukmani? Maybe 38 years ago everyone knew her in Kalimpong.

Today the young beautiful girl, Rukmani who was 23 years old at that time, is now 61 years. She lives alone in her house in the Chandralok, BT College, area. She is surrounded by her sister, brothers and sister in laws, relatives and friends. Life goes on, a normal life to look at from outside. Only she herself knows the pain and ordeal she has suffered hiding the sadness of a lost youth because she had the courage to face the bullets on that fateful July day.

On that terrible day of 27th July 1986, many people lost their lives in the police shooting at Thana Dara (Police Station crossing) on the Main Road, at the Engine Ghar at 9th Mile, and elsewhere in Kalimpong. She was participating in the julus (protest procession) organised as the Gorkhaland demand led by Mr. Subash Ghising’s GNLF party under the program of Gorkhaland statehood demand movement. The agenda of the day was to be the symbolic burning of the 7th clause of the 1950 Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty.

During the unprovoked firing by the CRPF stationed at the Thana Dara crossing into the oncoming peaceful procession several people dropped dead on the spot. Young Rukmani Chettri was hit by bullet shrapnels that pierced the side of her face and entered into her neck area. She fell bleeding onto the ground. In a matter of a few minutes, the dead were strewn on the street. There was panic amongst the agitators and blood was splashed everywhere on the road. Someone found her laying unconscious, and took her, along with others, dead or wounded, to the sadar hospital.

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As her treatment was not successful here in Kalimpong, after some days, with the help of Kalpana Rana Gurumajue, she was treated in Delhi, and there pieces of bullets and metal fragments were removed from inside her cheek, jaws and neck area.

Currently, she suffers from hearing problems and has been suffering from a ringing sound in the ears. She also has trouble swallowing and solid food gets stuck in her throat while eating.

In the passion of her youth devoted to the cause of her people, who willingly entered the struggle for the freedom of Gorkhaland, she narrowly cheated death but suffered for years afterwards under the grip of an unjust regime. The WB government imposed 9 different false cases against her. She was booked for sedition, rioting and even of police murder. Entangled in these legal cases she stayed hidden for two and a half years. Finally she surrendered to the authorities, was arrested and spent 3 months in jail before being released and the cases against her dismissed.

Not only has she spent a life of trauma after that fateful day, 38 years ago, she has paid the price for her boldness and courage very dearly. She carries the scars and disabilities from the bullet wounds quietly as a badge of honour. Rukmani has never flouted the sacrifices she has made, looked for recognition or compensation.

A procession of, the so called, political leaders have come and gone in the hills. Even after the local bodies like DGHC and now GTA has been ruling in the hills for more than 3 decades, but no one has looked for her in all these years. Many Saheed Diwas have been celebrated in Kalimpong but Rukmani is never remembered. Perhaps she regrets that she did not herself become a martyr on that day. At least she would have received the recognition like the others who died on that day and her name would be etched internally in the list of Gorkhaland martyrs.

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Today, 27th July 2024, the hills will celebrate yet another Saheed Diwas. Like every year our ‘leaders’ and public will pay homage to those who layed their life for Gorkhaland. But for living martyrs, like Rukmani Chettri, it will be a day to remember and relive that moment when the bullet of fate changed life for ever. Like everyday, she will probably be alone in the solitude of her house not far from where the dead martyrs are being remembered and praised.

It’s not too late to give due recognition to this forgotten freedom fighter who has sacrificed her living life for the idea and dream that is Gorkhaland. Please share your opinions and suggestions. Let’s not forget this daughter of Gorkhaland.

Jai Gorkha, Jai Gorkhaland.


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Article: Translated and adapted by Devendra Basnet, from a post in Nepali by Smt Deepa Rani Thakuri.

Photo: Deepa Rani Thakuri, Kalimpong

Originally posted on: Stories of Kalimpong

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