EXAMS – At the end of it all, you remain who you are


Last few days have been a busy time for us posting the achievements of our young students, future scholars and achievers. Our motive behind it being for them to get the necessary motivation to carry forward and some acknowledgement for their hard work – like we do to all the out performers in every field.

This doesn’t however mean that we don’t celebrate the students who haven’t scored well, or those who couldn’t clear their exams.

We at theDC believe that everyone is uniquely talented, and it is wrong to judge youths based on their marks alone. Not all are cut out for academics, everyone is meant to shine in different fields, and no one knows it better than our team members.

In fact, theDC has team members who have flunked their exams several times themselves. Our calculations earlier today brought us to the conclusion that even if all our team members’ marks were to be aggregated, we still wouldn’t be getting as much as the toppers have done this time.

But at the end of the day, we are all doing fine in life.

As one of our team members says,
“Handsome ma handsome,
Height ma Height,
Parai lekhai MA pass,
Silaai Bunaai Chadai cha….
Kolley sodhney ra school ko marks?”

So your marks may be some stuff that matters, obviously it is, but it definitely shouldn’t decide where you are going to be.

Now the question – Why do we need to celebrate the toppers? Why don’t we wish them personally? It may make others feel to be like underachievers.

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The answer is that we don’t just celebrate toppers. We celebrate everyone who excel in their respective fields – Poet, dancers, painters, artists, chefs, singers, and the list goes on. We believe everyone in special in their own way. Someone who has never been a topper in his life may go on to become a great artist – we would celebrate him or her with equal fervor for their achievement. And the person who has always been a topper in their class may not be as good as him in whatever he does.

Life is about celebrating small moments. A small token of appreciation is due to anyone who puts dedication and effort towards a goal and achieving it. Whether its a school topper or even a person picks up a can from the road and puts it into a dust been to keep his town clean. Appreciating few doesn’t mean demotivating others. Only morons would think that way.

It might rather give some people who are walking on the same path some motivation to achieve the same or even more.

So to everyone, from the ones who are at the highest lot of 90% to those who have flunked, we stand with you. Buckle up and find your ways.

Remember, “exams come, exams go, we go for ever…”

Our education system is flawed

2 Comments on "EXAMS – At the end of it all, you remain who you are"

  1. The same page which is congratulating only the toppers writes a post like this

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