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It has been a dramatic week starting with India’s retaliation to the 14 February Pulwana attack. In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, 12 Indian…
It has been a dramatic week starting with India’s retaliation to the 14 February Pulwana attack. In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, 12 Indian…
My questions and statement was only directed at two individuals. One – whose father served in the British Army using Nepali citizenship, and another who till recently worked in Dubai using passport from Nepal. Should these people speaking of “bhoomiputra”?
Standing in an isolated, freezing bunker on the Line of Control in Kashmir, a young Gorkha boy—nineteen years of age, newly trained in the art…
Darjeeling has always been a place where fashion sprouts and evolves like a monsoon mushroom. Without a tinge of doubt, one can lay a testimony…
Rifleman Govind Bahadur Chettri along with four of his comrades from 7 JAK Rifles – Naik Videsh Chand, Rifleman Rajesh Rishi, Rifleman Arjun Kumar and Rifleman Nitin Rana, have been missing since the 22nd of February, 2019
In a bunker dug into the treacherous mountainside and fortified with iron, stone and sandbags along India’s troubled border with Pakistan, the latest issues of…
At 67, Lekhraj Dewan of Mangerjung, Nagari Tea Estate has more energy than most of us would have at 17. He is a social worker with an extraordinary sharp mind. An innovator whose hands-on approach to problem serving has made life easier for many. This is his story.
There are some songs that touch your core every time you listen to it. Songs that make you sad, some make you cry, songs that…
This month, we are sharing a story “आठौँ रंगको लाछा” by an up and coming story teller Komal Subba. Its a fascinating story, that will keep you hooked by the power of its mesmerizing description of the world seen through the eyes of a young girl.
The World Bank rightly stated and I quote- “Road safety goes beyond the transport sector, with a direct impact on public health, societies and economies.”…