Articles by TheDC News Desk

Gorkhaland – The Leaders and the People

Today, the idea of Gorkhaland is at the crossroads. The state assembly elections are round the corner and some people feel the idea has been compromised after the ‘old guards’ made a deal with the state government for their return.

The state which had hounded them with multiple legal cases, has now decide to forgive them and assured their safe return. The state against which the movement was launched, has today become the protector of the rebels. The same state which took away even the voting rights of the ‘old brigade’ leaders is now guaranteeing their freedom to participate in the upcoming elections.

बिमल गुरूङको आत्मसमर्पण: कति गोर्खा हितमा कति व्यक्तिगत स्वर्थ?

  “१० मार्च २०१० सम्ममा गोर्खाल्याण्ड ल्याईन भने म आफ्नै निधारमा गोली ठोक्नेछु।” “म जहाँ रहेता पनि आफ्नो जाति, माटो र गोर्खाको आकांक्षा-गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति लडीरहेको…