Bimal Gurung Slides: From leader of Gorkhas to TMC Mouthpiece
A popular mass leader from Darjeeling who championed the cause of Gorkhaland state, Bimal Gurung’s compromise with TMC for his return has evoked mixed feelings among the common masses.
A popular mass leader from Darjeeling who championed the cause of Gorkhaland state, Bimal Gurung’s compromise with TMC for his return has evoked mixed feelings among the common masses.
An article on how the idea of Gorkhaland lives on even after the exodus of Bimal Gurung and thousands of GJM cadres following the 2017 movement.
हो अवश्यै जान्छिन , जानू पनि त पर्छ , त्यो त प्रत्येक छोरीको नियति हो , तर नजीक-टाढा, जहाँ नै गएता पनि उ हामीसित , हामी उसँगै हुनेछौ । उसको हृदयमा सदाका लागि रहनेछौं , शायद मरेर गएपनि। छोराले बुहारी ल्याउछ भन्छ्यौ , ठीकै हो , तर के थाहा बुहारीले पो छोरालाई लगेर जाने हो ?! तर छोरी कहाँ जान्छे त्यसले हामीलाई खासै फरक पार्दैन , टाढा-नजीक ,जे जस्तो , जहाँ गए पनि उ हामीसितै हुन्छे। त्यसैले त भन्छ नि “A Son is a son till he gets him a wife, but a Daughter is a daughter all days of her life.” इ ! आफैलाई हेर न , दिनमा कति चोटि घरमा फोन गर्छ्यौ , व्हाट्सेप र फेसबुकमा बिजी हुन्छ्यौ , आमा-बाबाको लागि सुर्त्याउछौ , घरी घरी भाइ बुहारीलाई कस्तो हकार्दै गरेकी हुन्छ्यौ अन्त , कि कसो ?
Mahatma Gandhi has made a huge impact in promoting environmental sensibility and sustainable living among Indians.
Darjeeling Red Potato was once the most cultivated commercial variety of potato in India. However, it is today in domestic quarantine due to Wart disease.
बंगाल सरकारकै शरणमा बसेर मुद्दासँग छौँ भनेर यदि कसैले भन्छ भने त्यो वाहियात लाग्न सक्छ । यहाँको वर्तमान सत्ता जतिसक्दो कुनै पनि अन्य व्यवस्था अथवा केन्द्रको सुधार प्रक्रिया पहाड नभित्रीउन भन्ने पक्षमा छन् । यदि कुनै अन्य दल हुनु हो भने पनि त्यो दलको स्तर यहाँबाट माथी उठ्ने अपेक्षा बेकार जान्थ्यो । मुद्दाको अवस्था सुध्रिनु नसक्नुको मुख्य कारण दलहरुको यहि स्वार्थपरक सत्तामुखी सोच हो ।
When looked at it from a sociological perspective, even a simple cup of tea helps build a web of social relationships, which eventually helps to understand a person, pattern the social relationships follow over a cup of tea and finally how a simple cup of tea contributes to the larger society.
Aditya Thapa, in his review of The Gurkha’s Daughter by Prajwal Parajuly explore the ideas of identity, conflict, and transnational history of the Nepali speaking people living India, Nepal, and Bhutan.
The author take a look at the impact of Coronavirus lockdown in education and learning systems, specially in the Hilly regions and remote villages of India.
From the 1st to the 14th of every month is the greatest event in the quarantine days for the Philominites. Along with the midday meal the questions of every subject framed by the respective teachers are distributed to the parents along with the essentials of the midday meal. Then the School Principal, along with a group of dedicated teachers are seen in a jeep or a pick-up toggling along the rough broken trails of the villages carrying the essentials of the midday meal and the question papers which are distributed to the parents at some vintage points of the village. The students then submit their workout sheets via their parents at the next midday meal, and the papers reach the school handed to the respective teachers after the papers are quarantined. This unending process have made it possible to connect the teachers with more than 2000 students without any elaborate technology.