
Oncology Department at Darjeeling District Hospital – Needs to be saved

The Oncology Department, which started few years ago at the Darjeeling District Hospital, with a team of enthusiastic medical and support staff, are trying to transform the sorry state of Cancer Management in our region. But then again, the Department’s journey hasn’t been a smooth either. The situation is dire to say the least, and if issues concerning the department are not addressed in the near future, we could see the department shutting down few years down the line.

Dead Fishes Create a Stink in Mirik

Yesterday, a few social media pages has posted news of dead fishes in Mirik lake and speculations had ran rife as to the cause of these fish deaths. While the famous Mirik lake has seen its share of deaths due to pollution in the past, this time around though, the cause of deaths has created a definitive political stink.

Kalimpong Journalists Seek Arrest of Those Slandering Them

Two Kalimpong journalists have had enough of slandering, and decided to take a stand, which has one fake account getting deleted and other scurrying for cover. But, the journalists are relentless, and they want to ensure that those slandering them are brought to book.

Art Workshop in Darjeeling: A Report

Mr. Bobby Blown Wylde from the famous London’s Slade School of Fine Arts conducts a three-days art workshop at Hayden Hall, Darjeeling from December 04-06, 2020.

बिमल गुरूङको राजनैतिक अवसान

‘आज केही त हुनेवाला छ।’ रोङ्गोबाट मनोज बोगटीले बिहानै फेसबुकमा स्टाटस लेखे। स्वाभाव अनुसार हुटहुटी शुरू भइहाल्यो। दस बजेदेखि उता हुटहुटी रोकेर राख्न नसकेपछि उनलाई…