In Christmas Message Bimal Gurung Tells People to Draw Inspiration From King David’s Story

On the eve of Christmas, I extend my heartfelt prayers and good wishes to all the people living in Darjeeling, Terai and Duars, and Gorkhas across India and the world.

Christmas is not only a time for celebrations and festivities, but it is also time for us to rekindle our unflinching faith in God. Faith which allowed David to assail over Goliath. Faith that has always allowed good to triumph over evil. God tests us in many ways, and every time, only those whose faith in God is unshakeable have triumphed.

In these times of grave tests and trials facing our community, I request you all to take inspiration from the life of David. Psalm 3 narrates the story of when David fled from his son Absolm, David called upon God, “Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying to me, “God will not deliver him”… But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high… I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side… From the Lord comes deliverance…May your blessing be on your people.” Indeed, God helped David to prevail.

More than any other story, this particular story from Bible, gives me hope, as my faith and the faith of our people upon God and the cause of Gorkhaland remains unshaken. My absolute faith in the goodness of our cause permits me to believe, that God will stand by us and help us to triumph over all evil, treachery, lies and deceit.

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Christmas is not only a season to celebrate, but it is also a season to remember – I haven’t forgotten those brave souls who have laid down their lives for the cause of Gorkhaland, and hundreds of others who are still in jail, and their families whose sacrifices will not go in vain. Christmas is also a season to forgive those who have trespassed against us – let us forgive those who have given in to fear and greed, and pray for them, may God lead them to the path of righteousness once again.

Most importantly Christmas is a season to reflect on our past, work very hard with the utmost commitment to our cause today so that we can all aspire for a better future. I, therefore, request you all, let us work sincerely and with full dedication for our one and only cause of Gorkhaland.

With God on our side, I am certain that Gorkhaland will be a reality soon.

I pray that may you all be able to celebrate this festive season with your family and loved ones, and may God help our cause, our people and our nation to move towards a stronger and brighter future.

Merry Christmas.

Jai Gorkha, Jai Gorkhaland

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